鍳察我的心思意念—-詩篇139:23-24[神啊!求祢鑒察我, 知道我的心思; 試煉我, 知道我的意念.  看在我裏面有什麼惡行沒有, 引導我走永生的道路.][釋義]人生可怕的不是險境, 而是一種自己意識不到的陷阱, 在安逸的環境中, 不知不覺中昏然死去.  魔鬼也藉著舒適的環境, 使我們忘記了敬拜主.  本詩作者默想到神的全知與恨惡罪的屬性, 不禁感到對神的敬畏.  因此, 他懇求神務必鍳察自己的心思與意念, 引領他不得罪神而行走在正道上.  我們的靈魂唯有藉著與神真實的相遇及由此而來的人格上的順服, 才能成長和成熟.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是鍳察人心的, 我們的心思意念都顯明在祢面前.  我們喜歡享受安逸平順的人生, 懶惰和不願意付出代價敬拜事奉祢, 以致靈性冷淡, 不聽從主的話.  求主保守我們轉離不冷不熱的心, 管教我們回轉到主面前, 引導我們持續行在永生的道路上.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Search My Thoughts — Psalm 139:23-24 [O God, search me and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.] [Explanation] The true danger in life is not external perils, but the traps we are unaware of, especially when we become complacent in comfort and spiritually die without realizing it. The devil uses comfort to make us forget to worship the Lord. The author of this psalm reflects on God’s omniscience and His hatred of sin, which leads to a deep sense of reverence for God. As a result, the psalmist earnestly asks God to examine his thoughts and guide him on the right path, ensuring that he does not sin against God. Our souls can only grow and mature through a genuine encounter with God and the obedience in character that flows from that. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the One who searches the hearts of men. Our thoughts and intentions are fully revealed before You. We love to enjoy comfort and ease in life, but in doing so, we become spiritually lazy and unwilling to pay the price of worship and service to You, leading to spiritual coldness and disobedience to Your word. We ask You, Lord, to keep us from a lukewarm heart, discipline us to return to You, and guide us continually on the path of eternal life. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!