代禱—-撒母耳記上12:23[至於我, 斷不停止為你們禱告, 以致得罪耶和華.  我必以善道正路指教你們.][釋義]撒母耳和摩西被列為舊約兩位最有禱告執事的先知.  代禱是祭司最重要的工作.  撒母耳知道雖然他的工作遭受拒絕, 另一道代禱的門卻仍為他而開, 他的反應顯示了他對神的虔誠.  他仍敬愛神, 仍關心神的子民.  當我們服務別人, 卻遭受拒絕時, 我們要學習撒母耳的處事與為人.  我們千萬不能以牙還牙, 以免得罪耶和華.  我們反而要靠著神的恩典, 真誠地為那些不珍惜我們付出的人代禱.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們感謝祢的揀選, 祢在亙古以前定了救贖經纶, 又引領我們進到祢的恩典中.  主啊!求祢幫助我們, 依靠祢的信實不動搖, 誠誠寬實地盡心事奉祢, 常想念祢向我們所行的事何等大.  主啊. 祢已賜給我們禱告的權柄, 我們能以禱告與祢親近, 禱告將我們的憂慮卸給祢.  求祢加添力量, 幫助我們善盡職分, 進一步殷勤以禱告服事人, 为祢所愛的小子, 我們的下一代, 以及軟弱的肢體, 不斷的代禱, 求祢憐憫.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Intercession 1 Samuel 12:23 [As for me, far be it from me to sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you. And I will instruct you in the good and right way.] [Explanation]

Samuel and Moses are considered the two greatest prophets of the Old Testament with a ministry of prayer. Intercession is one of the most important roles of a priest. Although Samuel’s leadership was rejected, the door of intercession remained open to him, and his response demonstrated his devotion to God. He continued to love God and care for God’s people. When we serve others and face rejection, we should learn from Samuel’s attitude and conduct. We must not retaliate, lest we sin against the Lord. Instead, through God’s grace, we should sincerely intercede for those who do not appreciate our efforts. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your choosing us. You planned salvation from eternity and led us into Your grace. Lord, help us to rely on Your unwavering faithfulness and serve You wholeheartedly. Let us always remember the great things You have done for us. Lord, You have granted us the privilege of prayer, allowing us to draw near to You and cast our worries upon You. Strengthen us, help us fulfill our duties, and serve others diligently through prayer. Let us constantly intercede for those You love, the next generation, and the weak members of the body. Have mercy on them. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!