耶和華是我的牧者—-詩篇23:1[耶和華是我的牧者, 我必不至缺乏.][釋義]詩篇第23篇又稱為詩篇珍珠, 是許多人在孩提時, 坐在母親膝上所學習的美麗詩篇.  這美好的詩篇, 見證大衛與耶和華間的親密關係.  主是我的牧者, 主與我同在.  即使生命遭遇死蔭幽合般的失落, 毫無希望, 環顧四周, 常感到隻身一人, 孤獨又無力, 但只要仰望關注愛我們的神, 縱然問題還在, 卻因倚靠神, 知主與我同在, 內心就得平安, 如同在母親懷抱中的平靜安穩.  每天讀經, 滿心感恩, 主是我一生的牧者, 正是我們與主關係美好無比的體驗.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們讚美感謝祢, 一起讀經, 彼此分享, 思考主的恩典, 享受靈裡的交通, 喜樂滿盈, 這是何等的善, 何等的美.  主啊. 祢是我的牧者, 為我預備一切.  不單在物質上使我各项所需無虞, 更使我心靈平靜得著寛慰.  即使面臨死䕃幽谷, 也能坦然無懼, 奮勇而行. 主啊, 願祢的恩惠歲歲年年與我同在, 一生一世住在耶和華的殿中, 虔誠敬拜祢, 殷勤服事祢, 永遠保守在祢的愛中.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Lord is My Shepherd — Psalm 23:1 [The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.] [Explanation] Psalm 23 is often referred to as the “Pearl of the Psalms.” It is a beautiful psalm that many learn as children, sitting on their mother’s lap. This psalm testifies to the intimate relationship between David and the Lord. The Lord is my Shepherd, and He is with me. Even when life feels like walking through the valley of the shadow of death, with no hope, and feeling utterly alone, weak, and powerless, if we look up to the God who loves us, even though the problems may still be there, we can find peace in knowing that God is with us. This inner peace is like the calm and security a child feels in their mother’s arms. By reading the Bible daily and being full of gratitude, we experience the beautiful relationship of knowing that the Lord is our Shepherd throughout our lives. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You. As we read Your Word together and share with one another, reflecting on Your grace, we enjoy the spiritual fellowship and overflow with joy. How good and pleasant it is! Lord, You are my Shepherd, providing everything I need. Not only do You meet my physical needs, but You also comfort and calm my soul. Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I can face it fearlessly and courageously. Lord, may Your grace be with me year after year, and may I dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, worshiping You devoutly, serving You diligently, and forever remaining in Your love. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!