採取行動—-哥林多前書3:9[因為我們是與神同工的, 你們是神所耕種的田地, 所建造的房屋.][釋義]基督徒可以是上帝的手和腳, 祂要我們與衪一起同工.  神是工頭, 我們是小工.  把自己奉獻在上帝面前, 同時也以一顆敏銳的心, 以主的眼看, 以主的耳聽, 行主所行, 做主所做的事.  耕種使生命長大成熟, 建造使生活變化更新.  神耕種我們, 使我們生命長大成熟, 結出豐盛的果實, 去供應別人.  神建造我們, 使我們成為一個屬靈的居所, 使人得安息.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢創造了我們, 我們就是屬於祢的, 也應該被祢使用, 聽從祢的吩咐.  求主打開我們的眼睛, 使我們能夠看到周圍有需要的人, 讓我們以愛心和憐憫的心關懷他們, 幫助他們, 做祢要我們做的事.  讓他們也從我們身上認識祢, 看到祢對世人的愛, 彰顯祢的榮耀.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Take Action – 1 Corinthians 3:9 [For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.] [Explanation] Christians can be God’s hands and feet, for He wants us to work alongside Him. God is the foreman, and we are His laborers. Offer yourself before God, while also keeping a sensitive heart to see with the Lord’s eyes, hear with the Lord’s ears, and do what the Lord does. Cultivating helps life grow and mature, while building transforms and renews lives. God cultivates us, allowing our lives to grow and mature, bearing abundant fruit to serve others. God builds us into a spiritual dwelling where others may find rest. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You created us, and we belong to You. We should be used by You and obey Your commands. Lord, please open our eyes to see those in need around us. Help us care for them with love and compassion, doing the things You want us to do. May they come to know You through us and see Your love for the world, revealing Your glory. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!