因信稱義—羅馬書3:23-24[因為世人都犯了罪, 虧缺了神的榮耀.  如今卻蒙神的恩典, 因基督耶穌的救贖, 就白白的稱義.][釋義]人罪性的存在是十分普遍和現實的. 誰都不敢否認人的罪性, 誰也無法只靠自己而不靠耶穌基督得著拯救.  在消極方面, 人人都違犯了律法, 達不到神公義的要求.  在積極方面, 未能照神造人的目的, 將神的榮耀彰顯出來, 反而顯出魔鬼般的邪惡污穢, 因此虧負了神, 達不到神榮耀的要求.  因信称義的根源乃是神的恩典.  因信稱義的成就, 是因耶穌基督的救贖.  因信稱義的代價, 是白白的稱義.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們實在是非常軟弱. 我們的罪性也常常使我們站立不住.  感謝主豐盛的恩典, 不按我們的過犯懲罰我們, 反而拯救我們脫離滅亡, 靠著基督得稱為義.  求主的靈與我們同在, 時時監察我們的心思意念, 提醒我們, 幫助我們不受撒旦的誘惑, 堅守我們的信念.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Justification by Faith – Romans 3:23-24 [All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.] [Interpretation] The presence of human sinfulness is both pervasive and real. No one can deny human sinfulness, nor can anyone achieve salvation on their own without reliance on Jesus Christ. On the negative side, everyone has broken the law and fails to meet God’s standards of righteousness. Positively, humanity has not fulfilled the purpose for which God created them — to manifest His glory. Instead, human nature has shown the wickedness and impurity that are devilish, thereby failing to meet God’s standard of glory. The source of justification by faith is God’s grace. The accomplishment of justification by faith is through Jesus Christ’s redemption. The cost of justification by faith is that we are justified freely. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we are truly weak. Our sinful nature often causes us to falter. Thank You for Your abundant grace that does not punish us according to our sins, but instead saves us from destruction and grants us righteousness through Christ. May Your Spirit be with us, constantly examining our thoughts and intentions, reminding us, and helping us resist Satan’s temptations and stand firm in our faith. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!