赦免他們—-路加福音23:34[當下耶穌說:”父啊, 赦免他們!因為他們所做的, 他們不曉得.” 兵丁就拈鬮分祂的衣服.][釋義]按羅馬的慣例, 被處死之人的隨身財物都歸給行刑者.  別人在言語或行為上給你的傷害, 你是否可以超越過去?學習主所做的. 饒恕他們, 因為他們不知道所做的.  在安靜中把最近的一些不愉快的遭遇陳明在主前. 默想中都一一放在主的身上.  主耶穌為仇敵代禱, 不僅表示祂的寬容, 饒恕. 乃是對人類無限的赦免與救贖.  今天祂在天上, 也仍然替我們代求.  所以我們不要因為失敗就灰心喪志, 只管坦然無懼的來到祂施恩的寶座前.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢曾經為我們受盡痛苦, 釘在十字架上, 但祢卻赦免殺害祢的人. 因為知道這一切都是在神的計劃中. 求主幫助我們, 學習祢的教導和榜様, 饒恕得罪和傷害我們的人.  因為知道一切的事情都是主允准的, 為要考驗和試煉我們, 使我們在主裡得到安慰, 愛心與信心更堅強, 對永生有更大的盼望. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Forgive Them — Luke 23:34 [Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And the soldiers cast lots to divide his garments.] [Interpretation] According to Roman custom, the belongings of those being executed were given to the executioners. When others hurt you with words or actions, can you rise above that? Learn from what the Lord did. Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Quietly bring recent unpleasant experiences before the Lord. In meditation, place each one on His shoulders. Jesus prayed for His enemies, showing not only His tolerance and forgiveness but also His boundless mercy and redemption for humanity. Today, He is in heaven, still interceding for us. So, do not lose heart when you fail; come boldly before His throne of grace. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You endured so much suffering for us, nailed to the cross, yet You forgave those who killed You, knowing that all was within God’s plan. Help us, Lord, to follow Your teachings and example, to forgive those who hurt and offend us. Knowing that all things are permitted by You to test and refine us, may we find comfort in You, grow stronger in love and faith, and hold a greater hope for eternal life. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.