財主進天國—-馬太福音19:23-24[耶穌對門徒說”…財主進天國是難的…駱駝穿針的眼, 比財主進神的國還容易呢?][釋義]財主進天國雖難, 但並非不可能.  財主要學習駱駝穿過城門旁的小門, 針眼門. 先卸下財貨. 另要謙卑屈身匍匍, 才能進天國的門.  卸下財貨, 分給窮人, 是”愛人如己”,   屈身匍匍前進跟從主, 就是”愛主你的神.”  愛人如己與愛主你的神, 是進入天國的最大誡命與總綱.  馬太福音37:40.  馬可福音12:30-31. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢創造萬物, 各按其時, 成為美好, 又將永生安置在世人心裡.  信實的救主. 祢應許凡恆心行善, 尋求榮耀, 尊貴和不能朽壞之福的, 得到永生.  求主喚醒我們的心, 引領我們的腳步, 持定在祢的善道上歡然前行.  願一切榮耀. 頌讚都歸予祢的聖名, 阿們!

The Rich Entering the Kingdom of Heaven – Matthew 19:23-24 [Jesus said to His disciples…”…It is hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven… It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”] [Explanation] Although it is difficult for the rich to enter Heaven, it is not impossible. A wealthy person must learn to pass through the “Needle Gate,” a small door beside the main city gate, by first unloading their possessions. They must also humble themselves, bowing down to enter the Kingdom’s gate. Giving up wealth and sharing with the poor is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Bowing low and advancing to follow the Lord is to “love the Lord your God.” Loving your neighbor as yourself and loving the Lord your God are the greatest commandments and guiding principles for entering the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 12:30-31). [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, You have made everything beautiful in its time and set eternity in the hearts of humankind. Faithful Savior, You have promised eternal life to all who persevere in doing good, seeking glory, honor, and the blessings that cannot perish. Awaken our hearts, lead our steps, and help us walk joyfully on Your path of goodness. May all glory and praise be to Your holy name, Amen!