神看重內心—-撒母耳記16:7[耶和華卻對撒母耳說:”不要看他的外貌和他身材高大, 我不揀選他, 因為耶和華不像人看人. 人是看外貌, 耶和華是看內心.][釋義]”外貌”意指外表容貌, 包括顯露於外, 在人眼前的作為或不作, 往往是故意表現給人看的假象.  “内心”指內在的存心, 旁人往往無法看透.  神所看重的”內心”是單單跟隨神, 順服神的心. 掃羅出眾的外貌, 並不能掩蓋自私而殘缺的人格.  掃羅是按著人的肉體本相作王, 始終無法脫離肉體的轄制, 是屬肉體的王.  而大衛能重新”造清潔的心”,  大衛用禱告極力擺脫肉體的轄制, 接受神的管理, 合神的心意, 成為屬聖靈的王.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢的眼目看顧敬畏祢和仰望祢的人, 除祢之外再無可使我全心倚靠的.  祢是獨一真神, 是我心𥚃的力量, 我要讚美感謝祢.  祢教導我們不可憑外貌待人, 求主聖靈親自帶領幫助, 使我內心柔和謙卑. 時常藉由聽道, 讀經, 禱告, 調整自己的眼光, 無論做何事都是從心裡做, 都是為主而做.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的聖名, 阿們!

God Values the Heart—1 Samuel 16:7 [But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”] [Explanation] “Appearance” refers to external looks, including what is visible to others and sometimes acts displayed to please others—often a façade. “Heart” refers to a person’s inner motives, which are often hidden from others. The “heart” that God values is one devoted solely to following and obeying Him. Saul’s impressive outward appearance could not hide his selfish and flawed character. Saul ruled in a worldly way, bound by his flesh, as a king of the flesh. In contrast, David sought to “create in him a clean heart,” praying fervently to overcome fleshly limitations, accepting God’s guidance, and aligning with His will, becoming a king led by the Spirit. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Your eyes watch over those who revere You and look to You. Apart from You, there is no one worthy of my complete trust. You are the one true God, the strength of my heart. I praise and thank You. You teach us not to judge by appearance; I ask Your Holy Spirit to lead and help me to have a gentle and humble heart. May I regularly adjust my perspective through listening to Your Word, reading Scripture, and praying, doing everything from the heart and for You alone. We pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen!