脫離恐懼—-詩篇34:3[我曾尋求耶和華, 祂就應允我, 救我脫離一切的恐懼.][釋義]尋求含有苦苦地尋找和追求之意, 詩人似乎曾經陷於極大的困境, 心中懼怕戰兢, 他為此而苦苦地尋找與追求神, 並且立刻得到神的應允, 使他脫離危險的困境. 雅各書4:2-3[你們得不著, 是因為你們不求. 你們求也得不著,是因為你們妄求.][禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是我的力量, 是我的盾牌. 凡投靠祢的, 時常喜樂歡呼, 因為祢庇護著愛祢名的人, 用恩惠如同盾牌護衛我們. 在現今世代, 我們仍有許多軟弱無助的時刻, 懇求神讓我們學習完全交託並信靠祢, 縱使在最黑喑的時刻, 也無需害怕, 因為祢的杖, 祢的竿必安慰著我們. 祈求主, 讓我們𢤦得倚靠祢面對困境, 使我們受困的心靈得以釋放, 澆灌我們屬靈的生命, 靈命能日日更新, 不斷提升, 相信神終會幫助我們戰勝心中的魔鬼. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Freedom from Fear — Psalm 34:4 [I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.] [Explanation] The word “sought” implies a desperate search and pursuit. The psalmist seems to have been in a dire situation, filled with fear and trembling. In response, he sought God with all his heart and was immediately answered, enabling him to escape from his perilous predicament. James 4:2-3 [You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive because you ask with wrong motives.] [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are my strength and my shield. All who trust in You are continually joyful, for You protect those who love Your name, shielding us with grace as a shield. In today’s world, we often feel weak and helpless. We earnestly ask You to teach us to fully entrust and rely on You, even in the darkest moments, so we need not fear, for Your rod and staff comfort us. We pray, Lord, that You help us to lean on You in times of trouble, freeing our troubled hearts, pouring out Your Spirit on us, and renewing our spiritual lives each day. May we rise above our inner fears, knowing that You will ultimately help us conquer them. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!