五塊光滑石子—-撒母耳記上17:40[他手中拿杖, 又在溪中挑選了五塊光滑石子, 放在袋裏, 就是牧人帶的囊裏; 手中拿著甩石的機弦, 就去迎那非利士人.][䆁義]五塊光滑石子是大衛唯一的武器.  溪邊的石子要成為光滑合用, 不是一朝一夕的功夫, 必須經過長年累月的衝激, 磨擦才能把毛糙和尖角磨光, 變得光滑圓潤, 合主人的意.  大衛用起來才能百發百中, 擊殺目空一切, 狂傲自負的巨人歌利亞.  任何器皿不在乎貴賤, 只在乎合不合用.  要作個合乎主用的人, 也要像光滑的石子那様, 經過磨練, 去掉稜角.  約瑟, 摩西, 約書亞, 大衛都是飽經磨練的人, 才能蒙主重用, 做大事, 成大功.  您若願意被主挑選, 被主使用, 請先讓主把你磨練成一顆光滑的石子.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們生活在真理總被挑戰的時代, 世界對基督信仰的挑釁, 就像歌利亞一般的強勢壓境, 願我們像大衛一樣, 無論面對任何挑戰, 都可以勇敢地站在真理的立塲, 不退縮, 不畏戰.  主啊, 我們知道勝敗的關鍵在於能否憑藉信心倚靠主.  祈求祢賜給我們如大衛般的勇氣和智慧, 在祢的幫助下, 得勝而有餘.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Five Smooth Stones – 1 Samuel 17:40 [He took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag, and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.] [Reflection] The five smooth stones were David’s only weapons. For stones by the stream to become smooth and suitable, they must be worn down over years by the current, their rough edges polished until they are smooth and round, fitting the needs of the one who uses them. Only then could David wield them with precision, defeating the proud and arrogant giant, Goliath. Any tool’s value doesn’t depend on its worth, but on its usefulness. To be a person fit for God’s purpose, one must be like a smooth stone, refined and polished, with rough edges removed. Joseph, Moses, Joshua, and David were all greatly used by God, having been refined through trials. If you wish to be chosen and used by God, allow Him to shape you into a smooth stone. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we live in a time when truth is constantly challenged, and the world’s opposition to the Christian faith feels as powerful as Goliath’s presence. May we, like David, stand courageously for truth in the face of any challenge, without retreating or fearing the fight. Lord, we know that victory depends on our faith and reliance on You. We ask You to grant us the courage and wisdom that David had, that with Your help, we may overcome. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.