奉耶和華的名—-撒母耳記上17:45[大衛對非利士人說:”你來攻擊我, 是靠著刀槍和銅戟; 我來攻擊你, 是靠著萬軍之耶和華的名, 就是你所怒駡帶領以色列軍隊的神.][釋名]神的名代表神自己, 神的名字有權柄.  靠著或奉耶和華的名, 是指”靠著神.” 或”靠著神之名的權柄.”  歌利亞代表個人實力的肉體安全, 自我擴張的驕傲, 大眾歡呼的虛榮, 人性情欲難以制服的殘忍.  大衛表明的是對神的信靠, 和通過執行神的旨意, 來榮耀神的決心.  大衛的目的是使普天下人都知道神帶領以色列的軍隊對抗非利士人的入侵.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 有人靠車, 有人靠馬, 而我們要倚靠祢的名, 因為祢是全能的神, 掌管萬有.  人說眼見為實, 在於遇到問题和困難, 以自己的力量尋求屬世的方法解決.  但屬神的子民, 首先尋求神的旨意, 奉神的名與權柄, 執行神的旨意, 來榮耀神的聖名.  主啊!願我們安然倚靠祢, 由祢掌權. 生命不論遭遇任何風浪, 都能平靜安穩, 歸回安息, 全然得勝.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

In the Name of the Lord—1 Samuel 17:45 [David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”] [Explanation] The name of God represents God Himself and carries authority. To rely on or act in the name of the Lord means to depend on God or the authority of His name. Goliath symbolizes personal strength and the security it offers, pride in self-exaltation, vanity in public praise, and the cruelty stemming from unrestrained desires. David, on the other hand, demonstrates trust in God and a commitment to honor God by carrying out His will. David’s purpose is to make known to all the earth that God leads Israel’s armies against the invasion of the Philistines. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in Your name because You are the Almighty God, sovereign over all. People often believe only what they can see, turning to earthly solutions in times of trouble. But as God’s people, we seek His will first, acting in His name and by His authority to bring glory to His holy name. Lord, may we rest in You, trusting You to rule over all. May our lives, no matter the storms we face, find peace, rest, and ultimate victory. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!