勝過苦難—-彼得前書5:10[那賜諸般恩典的神曾在基督裏召你們, 得享他永遠的榮耀, 等你們暫受苦難之後, 必要親自成全你們, 堅固你們, 賜力量給你們.][釋義]享受神諸般的恩典, 是我們勝過苦難的祕訣.  我們享受恩典越多, 就越有能力勝過苦難.  神呼召我們的目的, 不是要我們受苦, 乃是要我們得享榮耀.  苦難不是神的目的, 它乃是神的手段.  苦難是暫時的, 得享榮耀乃是永遠的.  等字說出靈歷的次序, 先經試煉, 後享榮耀.  我們進入神的國, 必須經歷許多艱難.  經歷苦難, 有助於修補我們靈性上的弱點, 使我們更趨完全. 經過苦難的人, 會顯得意志更堅剛, 信心更堅強.  苦難能造就信徒, 使我們的靈性更趨成熟老練, 信心和品格更為堅定穩固, 表現更強而有力, 根基立得更牢靠.  上帝有時會從我們周圍拿去一些我們以為是可以依靠的東西.  在失去的當時, 會有難過及割捨的痛苦, 但其中卻隱藏著上帝的祝福.  在默想中為這段上帝在你身上的雕琢獻上感恩. 也求主給你力量度過這段艱難.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們的一生都要經歷酸甜苦辣, 生老病死.  很多時候我們會很難過, 失望和痛苦.  但我們感謝祢, 祢允許這一切臨到我們身上, 也要熬煉我們, 讓我們經歷祢的恩典, 就與祢更親近. 使我們的信心更加堅強, 勝過苦難. 不至搖動.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Overcoming Suffering — 1 Peter 5:10 [The God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you, make you strong, firm, and steadfast.] [Interpretation] Enjoying God’s grace is our secret to overcoming suffering. The more grace we experience, the more strength we gain to overcome trials. God’s purpose in calling us is not for us to suffer but for us to share in His glory. Suffering is not His ultimate goal; it’s a means to an end. Suffering is temporary; sharing in glory is eternal. The word “after” reveals the spiritual order: first, trials, then glory. Entering God’s kingdom requires going through many hardships. Suffering helps to repair our spiritual weaknesses, making us more complete. Those who endure suffering develop greater resilience, stronger faith, and more solid character, becoming firmer and more grounded. Sometimes, God takes away things we lean on. Although it can be painful, within that loss lies God’s hidden blessing. Reflect and give thanks for God’s refining work in your life, and ask for strength to get through difficult times. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, our lives are filled with ups and downs, joy and sorrow, life and death. Many times, we feel sadness, disappointment, and pain. Yet, we thank You for allowing these experiences to come upon us, refining us and drawing us closer to You as we experience Your grace. May our faith be strengthened, so we overcome suffering without wavering. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!