神是我的高臺與避難所—-詩篇59:16[但我要歌頌祢的力量, 早晨要高唱祢的慈愛;因為祢作過我的高臺, 在急難的日子, 作過我的避難所.][釋義]本詩的背景是撒母耳記上19:11-18, 掃羅已計劃要派人殺大衛, 幸得大衛的妻子米甲及早得知暗殺陰謀, 將大衛從窗戶縋下去, 而大衛得以漏夜逃亡.  “神是我的高臺”, 這是大衛信仰真實的經歷. 更是他信心的宣告.  在危難中, 大衛所求告的神, 把他安置在高處, 就是敵人不能到的地方.  這高臺是用神的慈愛, 能力, 權柄所築成的, 使他在神的堡壘中得到安全.  高臺fortress有翻譯作堡壘. 有什麼地方比神的堡壘更安全呢?大衛一生曾經遭遇不少苦難, 但神總是他在急難的日子中唯一的避難所, 所以他覺得神是應當歌頌的.  我們在禱告時, 應該明白神是滿有慈愛, 創始成終, 和賜給我們恩惠的神, 值得我們盡心盡性去愛慕, 稱頌, 和侍奉祂. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝讃美天上的父, 榮耀的真神!諸天述說祢的榮耀, 穹蒼傳揚祢的手段.  我要歌颂主的力量, 高唱祢的慈愛.  主啊!如今這時代, 在信仰的保守上, 肉身流血的傷害或許較少, 但令人犯下誡命, 離棄真道而喪失靈命的誘惑, 竟是如此之多, 不斷地想侵吞我們的屬靈生命.  神啊!求祢使我在這困境中, 默然等候祢, 信唯有祢才是我最穩固的高臺, 必使我必不至動搖;祢是最寶貴的力量, 必使我得勝; 祢是最可靠的避難所, 必使我得拯救.  懇求聖靈保護我, 作我的力量, 堅立在基督裏的心志, 未致動搖, 遠離引誘和惡事, 行在主的道路上.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God is my fortress and refuge —Psalm 59:16 [But I will sing of Your strength; in the morning I will sing of Your love, for You have been my fortress, a refuge in times of trouble.] [Interpretation] The background of this psalm is found in 1 Samuel 19:11-18, where King Saul had planned to send men to kill David. David’s wife, Michal, learned of the plot and helped him escape through a window so he could flee in the night. “God is my fortress”—this was David’s true experience of faith and his declaration of confidence. In times of danger, David called upon God, who placed him on high ground, safe from his enemies. This fortress was built by God’s love, power, and authority, providing him with security within God’s stronghold. Where could be safer than God’s fortress? David faced many trials in his life, but God was always his only refuge in troubled times, which is why he felt God was worthy of praise. In our prayers, we should understand that God is full of love, the Creator and Sustainer, who grants us grace. He deserves our whole-hearted love, adoration, and service. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, thank You and praise You, glorious God of heaven! The heavens declare Your glory, the skies proclaim Your handiwork. I will sing of Your strength and sing of Your love. Lord, in this age, physical persecution may be less frequent, but there are countless temptations that lead us astray, breaking commandments and abandoning true faith, threatening our spiritual lives. O God, may You help me to wait silently for You in this difficulty, believing that only You are my firm fortress, ensuring I will not be shaken. You are my precious strength, granting me victory; You are my reliable refuge, ensuring my deliverance. I humbly ask the Holy Spirit to protect me, to be my strength, to establish my heart in Christ, keeping me steady and distant from temptations and evil, that I may walk in Your ways. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!