追求良善—-帖撒羅尼迦前書5:14-15[我們又勸弟兄們, 要警戒不守規矩的人, 勉勵灰心的人, 扶助軟弱的人, 也要向眾人忍耐.  你們要𧫴慎. 無論是誰都不可以惡報惡.  或是彼此相待, 或是待眾人, 常要追求良善.][釋義]”你們要𧫴慎” 是接在前句”也要向眾人忍耐”之後, 表示一般人”忍耐”不了時, 便會有激烈的反應, 所以必須小心𧫴慎.  “以惡報惡”就是把自己也變成惡人.  除神之外沒有一個良善的人.  “追求良善”就是尋求神怎樣對待我們的愛, 我們也照樣以愛對待別人, 正所謂愛人如己.  基督徒不可以牙還牙, 總要以善勝惡.  報復絕不是最好的選擇方式, 基督徒蒙召是要去赦免別人.  追求良善是最好的政策.  Kindness is the best policy. 這也是基督教文明的核心價值.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是愛的源頭, 祢的愛永不止息.  求主光照我們, 使我們曉得如何以愛和良善待人, 也彼此相愛.  幫助我們待人處世, 都要從愛心發出, 助人助己, 又得神和人的喜悅, 也讓別人從我們身上看到神的作為.  主啊!幫助我們日日與祢同行. 使我們的內心能接收到祢的頻道與教誨. 這樣當試煉來臨時, 我們仍能不住地讀經禱告.  把楃分秒尋求主, 主必時時同在.  禱告是奉主耶穌的名, 阿們!

Pursuing Goodness —1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 [We urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, and be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.] [Explanation] The phrase “be careful” follows the command “be patient with everyone,” suggesting that when people reach the limits of patience, they may react intensely, so caution is necessary. “Returning evil for evil” means becoming like the wrongdoer. Except for God, no one is truly good. To “pursue goodness” is to seek how God shows love to us, so that we may show the same love to others, as in loving others as ourselves. Christians are called not to repay evil for evil but to overcome evil with good. Retaliation is not the best choice; Christians are called to forgive others. Pursuing goodness is the best policy—kindness is the essence of Christian civilization. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the source of love, and Your love never ceases. Please shine Your light upon us, helping us understand how to treat others with love and kindness and to love one another. Guide us in dealing with others, that we may act from love, helping ourselves and others, and gaining favor with You and people. Let others see Your work in us. Lord, help us walk with You daily, receiving Your guidance. In times of trial, may we continue to study and pray, seeking You every moment, for You are always with us. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!