屬靈的得勝—-撒母耳記上18:3-4[約拿單愛大衛如同愛自己的性命, 就與他結盟. 約拿單從身上脫下外袍, 給了大衛.  又將戰衣, 刀, 弓, 腰帶都給了他.][釋義]約拿單脫下外袍, 戰衣等給大衛, 他知道今後大衛將領導以色列的爭戰, 這是約拿單的得勝.  在屬靈的事上, 切不可抓住神以往的付託而不肯讓神有新的安排.  人的本性是不肯捨己的, 一有權柄地位, 就緊握著而不肯放手.  人可惡的”己”是禍害的根源.  約拿單的愛正如許多世紀後施洗約翰所說的[他必興旺, 我必衰微], 約3:30.  人之可貴在於作伯樂, 而不是非做千里馬不可.   約拿單透過與大衛的盟約將兩人真誠的友誼結合在一起.  幸福在於表示愛而不是被愛.  耶穌如此愛我們, 甚至自願放棄所有的神聖特權, 從而祂可以將真理的酵培植在每個人裏面.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝祢藉著約單單與大衛的盟約, 讓我們學習到基督徒待人接物, 不應只求自身利益, 更應秉持祢的話語, 堅持做對的事, 讓身邊的的人因著我們的行為, 讓祢的名高舉. 主啊!求祢保守我們的心懷意念, 使我們常常走在祢的道路上.  也求主使我們靠著聖靈, 力上加力, 在歪曲悖逆的世代, 能大大榮耀主的名.  阿們!

Spiritual Victory — 1 Samuel 18:3-4 [Jonathan loved David as his own soul, and he made a covenant with him. Jonathan took off his robe and gave it to David, along with his armor, his sword, his bow, and his belt.] [Explanation] Jonathan took off his robe, armor, and more to give to David, knowing that David would lead Israel’s battles. This was Jonathan’s victory. In spiritual matters, we must not cling to God’s past assignments and resist His new plans. Human nature resists self-denial; once people gain power and status, they tend to hold on tightly. The harmful “self” in people is the root of trouble. Jonathan’s love resembles what John the Baptist said centuries later: “[He must increase, but I must decrease]” (John 3:30). True greatness lies in being a mentor, not in striving to be the hero. Jonathan’s covenant with David bound their friendship together in sincerity. Happiness comes from showing love rather than from being loved. Jesus loved us in this way, even willingly relinquishing all His divine privileges to plant the leaven of truth in each person. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for teaching us, through Jonathan’s covenant with David, how Christians should treat others. We should not seek only personal gain, but adhere to Your word, doing what is right. May those around us see our actions and lift up Your name. Lord, keep our hearts and minds aligned with You, so we walk in Your ways. We also ask that You strengthen us through the Holy Spirit, so that in this twisted and rebellious generation, we may greatly honor Your name. Amen!