實在的應許-哥林多後書1:20[神的應許不論有多少, 在基督都是是的, 所以藉著祂的也都是實在的, 叫神因我們得榮耀.][釋義]”實在” 原文是”阿們”, 意為實實在在, 是的.  神是信實的, 信實的希伯來文發音和希臘文”阿們”相近, 而啓示錄3:14[那為阿們的, 為誠信真實見證的.] 故保羅在這裏有意藉著讀音相近, 強調一項真理, 神的應許藉著基督成為實在, 實際, 實實在在.  人若沒有摸著, 得著耶穌, 就會對神的應許能否實現, 感到疑惑.  只有當事人摸著, 得著基督的實際, 才會覺得神的應許何等實在, 也才會在心靈深處對神的應許說”阿們!”, 實在豐富的耶穌基督乃是神一切應許的實際, 保證和把握. 默想自己成為神的兒女, 是否已經得著並且享受神一切的應許?還是你仍然勞苦愁煩的過每一天?學習交托並相信神的應許必然兌現.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是何等的愛我們, 賜給我們許許多多寶貴的應許, 使我們一生享用不盡, 還有永生的生命.  求主賜給我們智慧, 能夠從聖經中探索明白祢的應許. 成為我們的力量和幫助, 度過人生的苦難與艱辛, 做個有福的人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The True Promise – 2 Corinthians 1:20 [For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him, the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.] [Explanation] The word “Amen” in the original language means “truly,” or “certainly.” God is faithful; the Hebrew word for faithfulness is phonetically close to the Greek “Amen.” In Revelation 3:14, it says, [The one who is the Amen, the faithful and true witness.] Thus, Paul intentionally uses similar sounds to emphasize a truth: God’s promises are made real and concrete through Christ. Without experiencing Jesus personally, one might doubt whether God’s promises will come to pass. Only those who have personally touched and received Christ can truly feel the reality of God’s promises and say “Amen” in their hearts. The abundant Christ is the reality, guarantee, and assurance of all of God’s promises. Reflect on whether you, as a child of God, have already received and enjoyed all His promises. Or are you still laboring through each day with worries? Learn to entrust everything to God and believe that His promises will surely be fulfilled. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You love us so much and have given us so many precious promises for us to enjoy throughout our lives, along with eternal life. Lord, grant us wisdom to explore and understand Your promises from the Bible, so they become our strength and help as we face life’s trials and hardships, allowing us to live a blessed life. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!