先知的命令—-撒母耳記上22:5[先知迦得對大衛說:”你不要住在山寨, 要往猶大地去.” 大衛就離開那裏, 進入哈列的樹林.][釋義]先知迦得是撒母耳的先知學校門生, 後來是大衛王朝歷史的撰述人之一, 曾幫助大衛組成聖殿詩班, 也向大衛宣告過神的處罰. 迦得命令的理由是不要考慮人的眼目, 而要單單仰望神.  神為了熬煉自己百姓的信心, 並使其成熟, 有時加給很多逆境和困難.  大衛不顧掃羅的威脅, 遵照迦得的忠告從山寨移居到森林, 展現大衛的決心.  大衛有先知在旁, 隨時指示當走的路, 這是何等大的祝福.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝讚美祢, 因為祢的慈愛與保護, 使我們面對艱艱卻無須恐慌.  感謝祢美好的安排帶領我們, 但我們的眼光與思路狹隘, 又常常軟弱而懷疑這些安排.  求神加添我們的信心與智慧, 使我們的信心更加堅強, 能夠單單仰望神, 不論遭遇何事都能遵行祢的旨意.  也求主使我們聖靈充滿, 能夠靠著聖靈的帶領得著力量, 不論在任何事上都能榮神益人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Prophet’s Command — 1 Samuel 22:5 [But the prophet Gad said to David, “Do not stay in the stronghold. Go into the land of Judah.” So David left and went to the forest of Hereth.] [Interpretation] The prophet Gad was a disciple of Samuel’s school of prophets and later became one of the historians of the Davidic dynasty. He helped David organize the temple choir and also delivered God’s judgments to David. Gad’s command emphasized not focusing on human perspectives but solely looking to God. To refine the faith of His people and help them grow in maturity, God sometimes allows adversity and challenges. Despite Saul’s threats, David followed Gad’s advice, leaving the stronghold to move into the forest, showcasing his determination. Having a prophet by his side to guide him on the right path was an immense blessing for David. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank and praise You for Your lovingkindness and protection, which allow us to face challenges without fear. Thank You for Your wonderful plans that guide us, even when our narrow perspective and frailty lead us to doubt. We ask You to increase our faith and wisdom so that we may grow stronger in faith, looking solely to You and obeying Your will in all circumstances. Lord, we also ask that You fill us with the Holy Spirit, empowering us to rely on His guidance and strength, so that in everything we do, we may glorify You and benefit others. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

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