坦𠄘錯誤—-撒母耳記上22:22[大衛就對亞比亞他說:”那日我見以東人多益在那裏, 就知道他必告訴掃羅.  你父的全家喪命, 都是因我的緣故.”][釋義]大衛坦承以亞希米勒為首的祭司們致死的原因出於自己, 詩32:5.  大衛為自己撒謊犯罪而悔改.  大衛雖然因自己的過犯使很多人受害, 但通過在神和人面前的真正悔改而恢復了信仰, 這才是大衛不愧是合乎神心意的人. 在這塲悲劇面前,  大衛沒有文過飾非, 而是立刻反省自己, 承擔責任.  祭司遭受屠殺, 固然是多益的讒言, 但也是因為大衛的謊言.  因此大衛寫下詩篇第52篇, 既是在譴責多益的舌頭, 也是在責備自己的舌頭:”你舌頭邪惡詭詐, 好像剃頭刀.”詩52:2. “詭詐的舌頭啊, 你愛說一切毀滅的話”詩52:4.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢鑒察直到地極, 遍佈普天之下, 祢用權能治理萬民, 直到永遠.  祢的永能和神性顯在天地之間, 叫世人自覺微小, 要眾人讚嘆敬畏祢.  在每日的生活中, 常由於遭逢內外攻擊, 試探, 使我失去了祢所賦予的誠實美善, 求主保守我, 細察我心裡的隱祕, 叫我不偏於邪.  求祢潔淨我的嘴, 不污穢敗壞, 說出奸惡的話語.  求主的聖靈鑒察, 引導我在祢的律法中自樂, 以祢的言語為詩歌, 鼓勇放聲前行.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Acknowledging Mistakes – 1 Samuel 22:22 [David said to Abiathar, “That day when Doeg the Edomite was there, I knew he would surely tell Saul. I am responsible for the death of your father’s whole family.”] [Explanation] David confessed that the reason for the death of the priests, led by Ahimelech, was due to his own actions (Psalm 32:5). He repented for his sin of lying. Although David’s wrongdoing caused harm to many, he restored his faith through genuine repentance before God and man. This is why David is still considered a man after God’s own heart. In the face of this tragedy, David did not shift blame but immediately reflected on himself and took responsibility. While the massacre of the priests was primarily due to Doeg’s slander, it was also a consequence of David’s lie. In response, David wrote Psalm 52, condemning Doeg’s deceitful tongue while also reflecting on his own: [“Your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor, you who practice deceit.”] (Psalm 52:2) [“You love every harmful word, you deceitful tongue!”] (Psalm 52:4) [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You oversee all the earth and rule all nations with Your power, from everlasting to everlasting. Your eternal power and divine nature are revealed in the heavens and the earth, causing humanity to recognize their smallness and inspiring awe and reverence for You. In daily life, we often falter amidst internal and external attacks and temptations, losing the honesty and goodness You have given us. Lord, we ask for Your protection, to examine the hidden parts of our heart, and to keep us from straying into evil. Cleanse our mouth, so it does not utter corrupt or malicious words. Let Your Holy Spirit search and guide us, allowing us to delight in Your law and sing Your words as songs, moving forward with courage and faith. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!