仰望耶和華—-詩篇25:15[我的眼目時常仰望耶和華. 因為祂必將我的腳從網裏拉出來.][釋義]”網”指生活中的困苦和困窘, 好像動物落在捕捉它的網中.  神造鴿子, 當然是要它自由自在地飛翔在空中, 但有時它會不幸落在捕鳥者的網中.  信徒愛神時刻仰望神, 但有時也難免陷在世界情欲和魔鬼的圈套裡.  所以他的眼若常望著拯救他的神, 神就必將他的腳從網裏拉出來.  榮耀歸主聖名.你是否正在很努力的想超越一些事情?可能是工作, 學業上好困境, 或是家, 婚姻上的問題.  讓我們學習定睛在主身體上. 抬頭仰主. 你會發現許多問題將迎刃而解.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是無限的宇宙創造和管制者, 而我們卻是有限卑微的人.  許多事情都不在我們掌握中, 很多時候我們都被困在痛苦煎熬之中, 就算我們怎樣努力也無法超過.  但是. 祢是我們的救主, 我們隨時的幫助, 唯有祢的能將我們從困境中拉出來, 能夠使人我們勝過艱難.  我們感謝讚美祢. 求祢做我們心中的主, 生命中的王.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Looking Up to the Lord — Psalm 25:15 [My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare.] [Explanation] The “snare” symbolizes the difficulties and struggles of life, much like an animal caught in a trap. God created the dove to soar freely in the skies, yet sometimes it might fall into the fowler’s snare. Similarly, while believers love God and look to Him, they may occasionally find themselves ensnared by worldly desires and the devil’s schemes. But if their eyes remain fixed on the God who saves them, He will surely release their feet from the snare. Glory be to the Lord’s holy name. Are you striving hard to overcome certain challenges—perhaps struggles in your work, studies, family, or marriage? Let us learn to fix our eyes on the Lord. Lift your gaze to Him, and you will find that many problems will be resolved. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Creator and Sovereign over the infinite universe, while we are but finite and humble beings. So many things are beyond our control, and often we find ourselves trapped in suffering and trials, unable to break free despite our best efforts. Yet, You are our Savior, our ever-present help. Only You can lift us out of our difficulties and enable us to overcome hardships. We thank and praise You. Please reign as the Lord of our hearts and the King of our lives. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!