人的渺小與意義—-詩篇8:3-4[我觀看你指頭所造的天, 並祢所陳設的月亮星宿, 便說, 人算什麼, 你們竟然顧念他?世人算什麼, 祢竟眷念他?世人算什麼, 你竟眷顧他?][釋義]雖然與創造的驚人壯擧相比, 人是微不足道的, 但神卻眷顧他.  將人的渺小和神的威對照, 人微不足道, 甚至還不如其他受造物, 但神卻叫人出類拔萃, 賜他榮耀尊貴.  “人”包括自亞當以來所有的人, 但也指耶穌基督, 因祂從高天進到人間苦難的極處, 又升到高天之上, 統馭萬物.  祂道成肉身, 人的終極目的在祂身上完成.  與浩瀚的宇宙相比, 人連滄海一粟都算不上.  若沒有聖經的啓示, 我們就無法明白人的真正價值與意義.  思考你所擁有的一切, 包你的聰明, 財富, 學問, 地位, 與神相比, 算得了什麼?也沒什麼可誇口的.  唯有得著神也是得著了一切的福份.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢超乎萬有, 世界是祢所造, 也是屬於祢的.  但願我們在祢的面前謙卑俯伏, 尊主為大, 聽從祢的命令, 遵守祢的律法. 將一切的尊貴榮耀歸給祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌的名, 阿們!

The Smallness and Significance of Man — Psalm 8:3-4 [When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?] [Explanation] Though humanity seems insignificant when compared to the awe-inspiring works of God’s creation, God still cares for us deeply. This passage contrasts the smallness of man with the majesty of God. Despite being less imposing than other creatures, God exalts humanity, bestowing honor and glory upon them. The term “man” refers to all humanity since Adam but also points to Jesus Christ. He descended from the heights of heaven to endure the depths of human suffering, then ascended to reign above all, fulfilling humanity’s ultimate purpose. Compared to the vast universe, humans are less than a speck. Without the revelation of Scripture, we could never understand humanity’s true value and meaning. Reflect on all that you possess—your intelligence, wealth, knowledge, and status. What are they compared to God? Truly, there is nothing to boast about. Only by gaining God can we receive every blessing. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are above all, the Creator and Lord of the universe. Everything in the world belongs to You. May we humble ourselves before You, magnify Your name, obey Your commands, and keep Your laws. To You be all glory and honor. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen!