肝膽相照—-撒母耳記23:16[掃羅的兒子約拿單起身, 往那樹林裏去見大衛, 使他倚靠神得以堅固.][釋義]當時大衛的生命正面臨掃羅的威脅與追殺. 摯友約拿單的來訪, 使大衛有了新的盼望.  約拿單特別通過信仰上的勉勵, 加給大衛更大的力量.  使大衛在遇到苦難與危機時, 都能不衝動, 而能忍耐, 並等候神的旨意直到最後, 通過最後一次的會面, 兩人的友誼昇華到極其美好的境地, 成為一段佳話.  他們既是真正的朋友, 就不只限於形影不離, 互訴心曲.  他們在信靠神方面互勵共勉, 並且以最深的關懷, 最坦誠的信任, 體現出彼此的真誠友誼.  探訪結束後, 大衛吟唱了詩篇第11篇, 信靠之詩.  大衛過的是逃亡生活, 但他沒有絕望, 因為他知道神在掌管.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們讚美稱頌獨一真神.  祢對我說:”恩典夠你用.”  又說”我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全.”  感謝主, 祢是我的磐石, 是我的力量.  主啊, 謝謝祢, 在教會中我們因著祢的愛, 一同成為神家裡的人.  當弟兄姊妹遭遇病痛苦楚, 我願意以真誠的愛心互相代禱.  當弟兄姊妹遭患難. 我願意學習用神所賜的安慰, 去安慰那些遭遇各樣患難的人.  主啊! 我們愛, 因為祢愛我們.  在信仰道路上有主的同在, 教會弟兄姊妹的同行, 我必不孤單.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

True Friendship — 1 Samuel 23:16 [And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God.] [Explanation] At the time, David’s life was under threat from Saul. The visit from his close friend Jonathan brought renewed hope to David. Jonathan especially strengthened David’s faith, encouraging him to rely on God, which gave David the courage and patience to endure suffering and crises without acting impulsively. He learned to wait for God’s will until the end. Their final meeting elevated their friendship to a profound and beautiful level, creating a timeless example of true friendship. True friends do more than simply stay close and share their thoughts; they inspire and encourage one another in their trust in God. Through mutual care and honest trust, their bond exemplified genuine friendship. After this visit, David composed Psalm 11, a song of trust in God. Although he lived as a fugitive, David did not despair, for he knew that God was in control. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we praise and glorify You, the one true God. You have said, “My grace is sufficient for you,” and, “My power is made perfect in weakness.” Thank You, Lord, for being my rock and my strength. Lord, we thank You for bringing us together in the church through Your love, making us members of Your household. When my brothers and sisters face sickness or suffering, may I offer genuine love and intercessory prayers. When they endure trials, may I learn to comfort them with the comfort You have given me. Lord, we love because You first loved us. With Your presence on the path of faith and the fellowship of church brothers and sisters, I know I am never alone. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!