需要有愛—-哥林多前書13:1[我若能說萬人的方言, 並天使的話語, 卻沒有愛, 我就成了鳴的鑼, 響的鈸一般.][釋義]教會的功用在於恩賜, 教會的本質卻在於愛. 若沒有愛為根基, 為本質, 恩賜越運用, 教會的難處越增加, 所以使徒在12章講到屬靈的恩賜, 14章講到恩賜的運用, 其間在13章, 開宗明義, 講到愛乃是最大的恩賜, 愛乃是運用恩賜最妙的道路.  恩賜是神賜給人的才幹, 愛卻是神的本質和生命.  哥林多教會最大的錯誤, 是以說方言為𧗽量一個人的屬靈生命, 而不以他在實際生活上表現的愛心作標準.  在安靜中默默體會主的愛. 將神的愛充滿你, 並且學習每一天把神的愛傳遞給周遭的人, 或許一句安慰的話, 一句問候的電話, 一封關懷的信, 一個擁抱及一句讚美, 正是別人所需要的幫助和鼓勵.  [禱告]親愛的天父, 祢就是愛, 是我們生命最需要的元素, 是我們心靈的良藥, 生命的動力.  求祢的愛充滿我們, 使我們能愛周圍的人, 以良善和關懷的心對待他們, 傳揚祢愛的福音, 使眾人歸向祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌的名, 阿們!

The Necessity of Love — 1 Corinthians 13:1 [If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.] [Explanation] The function of the church lies in its spiritual gifts, but its essence is rooted in love. Without love as the foundation and core, the more gifts are exercised, the more difficulties arise within the church. Therefore, in chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians, the apostle discusses spiritual gifts; in chapter 14, the use of these gifts; and in chapter 13, he begins by stating that love is the greatest gift. Love is the most excellent way to use spiritual gifts. While spiritual gifts are talents given by God, love is God’s very essence and life. The Corinthian church’s greatest mistake was measuring spirituality by speaking in tongues rather than by the demonstration of love in everyday life. In quiet reflection, immerse yourself in God’s love. Let His love fill you, and learn to share His love with those around you every day. Perhaps a comforting word, a phone call, a caring letter, a hug, or a simple compliment could be exactly what someone needs for encouragement and support. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are love itself—the element our lives need most, the medicine for our souls, and the driving force of our existence. Fill us with Your love so that we may love those around us. Help us to treat them with kindness and care and to spread the gospel of Your love, leading many to turn to You. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen!