以善勝惡—-撒母耳記上24:5-6[隨後大衛心中自責, 因為割下掃羅的衣襟.  對跟隨他的人說:”我的主乃是耶和華的受膏者, 我在耶和華面前萬不敢伸手害他, 因他是耶和華的受膏者.”] [釋義]儘管掃羅想殺害大衛. 大衛卻極其尊重他, 不願乘人之危.  雖然掃羅犯罪, 悖逆神, 大衛仍遵重他是神所膏立的君王.  大衛知道自己將來必要作王.  如果他殺害掃羅的話, 就會給反對他的人立下先例, 將來也可以除滅他.  羅馬書13:1-7, 告訴我們, 要像大衛一樣, 服從神所賜給當權者的權威.  但神才是最最高的權威, 我們不應違背神的律法, 以致得罪神.  達到目的之手段和目的本身一樣重要.  大衛的目標既然是作王. 所以跟從他的人勸他有機會殺死掃羅, 以達成目的.  但大衛不肯依從, 他有勇氣力排眾議, 堅持原則, 不因為順從群眾的壓力, 就放鬆自己以善勝惡的屬靈標準.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝讚美祢.  我們願意仰望祢, 等候祢的救恩.  我們有時因軟弱任意而行. 隨後心中自責. 因為不耐等候, 或不順服神, 而被惡所勝.  “等候耶和華”, 是大衛常說的話.  求祢以真理引導我, 教訓我, 賜我耐性等候耶和華. 更相信凡等候祢的必不羞愧, 因為祢是救我的神.  即使在風雨飄搖中, 願我們能等候神施恩的手, 使仇敵們的擾亂和攻擊, 都成為主的榮耀見證.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Overcoming Evil with Good – 1 Samuel 24:5-6 [Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord’s anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the Lord’s anointed.”] [Explanation] Even though Saul sought to kill David, David showed great respect and refrained from taking advantage of Saul’s vulnerability. Despite Saul’s sin and rebellion against God, David honored him as the anointed king chosen by God. David knew that he was destined to become king, but he refused to achieve this through wrongdoing, knowing it could set a precedent for others to harm him in the future. Romans 13:1-7 teaches us, like David, to respect the authority given by God while recognizing that God alone holds ultimate authority. We should never violate God’s laws to achieve our goals. The means by which we accomplish something is as important as the goal itself. David’s ultimate aim was to become king, but when his men encouraged him to kill Saul and seize the opportunity, David courageously resisted, adhering to his spiritual principle of overcoming evil with good. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we praise and thank You. We choose to look to You and wait for Your salvation. Sometimes, in our weakness, we act impulsively and feel guilty afterward for failing to wait patiently or to obey You, falling prey to evil. “Wait for the Lord” is what David often said. Guide me with Your truth, teach me, and grant me patience to wait for You. I trust that those who wait on You will not be put to shame, for You are my Savior. Even in turbulent times, may we wait for Your gracious hand, turning the enemy’s disturbances and attacks into testimonies of Your glory. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen!