永遠不搖動—-詩篇16:8[我將耶和華常擺在我面前, 因他在我右邊, 我便不至搖動.][釋義]撒母耳記28:5[掃羅看見非利士的軍旅就害怕, 心中發顫.]人的本質是渺小而微不足道的.  不論是在世上的地位, 權力, 財力和學歷如何超越眾人, 都仍會遇到許多艱難的挑戰.  掃羅王也是如此, 即便是一國之君, 擁有極大的權勢和資源, 卻也同時承擔了無比的壓力, 以致於看見非利士的軍旅就懼怕.  求神不應, 他就想到轉而求鬼.  可見他沒有一定的信仰, 只是為了實用功利.  從掃羅身上我們可以看出, 不尋求神而另想別的方法求救, 只會帶來禍患.  與神有親密的交通, 乃是在患難中蒙神保守的祕訣.  耶和華必在你前面行.  祂必與你同在, 必不撇下你, 也不丟棄你.  不要懼怕, 也不要驚惶.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們總是希望在所有事情上, 可以一帆風順.  我們也常以為更多的權勢, 資源能讓我們人生更順遂.  人的本質是渺小的, 若沒有祢的同在和幫助, 我們什麼都不是. 求主堅定我們的信心與腳步, 讓我們能夠永遠將神擺在第一位, 使我們有持續倚靠神的心, 永遠不搖動.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Unshakable Forever – Psalm 16:8 [I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.] [Explanation] In 1 Samuel 28:5, we see Saul’s fear when faced with the Philistine army: [When Saul saw the Philistine army, he was afraid; terror filled his heart.] Human beings are inherently small and insignificant. Regardless of one’s worldly status, power, wealth, or education, everyone faces challenges and difficulties. King Saul, despite being a ruler with immense authority and resources, was overwhelmed by fear when confronted with the Philistine army. His lack of steadfast faith in God led him to seek help from a medium, showcasing a practical but misguided reliance on solutions outside of God’s will. From Saul’s example, we learn that abandoning God and seeking other sources of rescue only leads to ruin. Maintaining a close relationship with God is the secret to experiencing His protection in times of trouble. The Lord goes before you and stays with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we often wish for smooth paths in all things, believing that greater power and resources can make life easier. Yet, human nature is frail and insignificant, and without Your presence and help, we are nothing. Lord, strengthen our faith and steady our steps, so that we may always place You first in our lives. Give us hearts that continuously rely on You, ensuring that we remain unshakable forever. We pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!