不可結黨營私—-腓立比書2:3[凡事不可結黨, 不可貪圖虛浮的榮耀; 只要存心謙卑, 各人看別人比自己強.][釋義]結黨是屬肉體的行為, 為的是滿足個人的自私, 謙卑才是合一的根源.  結黨營私的惡事會威脅教會的生存, 對症下藥需彼此互相謙卑與敬重.  若我們總認為自己的想法技高一籌, 自滿於自己的背景, 學經歷高人一等, 只聽從自己看得起的同靈伙伴, 追求對自己名聲有利的機會, 這樣虛浮的高傲, 除了會讓我們損失進步學習的機會, 甚至還會造成同工間的不和睦, 給魔鬼留下餘地.  正因為我們沒有一個人是和耶穌一般的聖潔無瑕疵. 所以更需要以謙卑的心看見他人的優點, 以愛心彼此相助, 才能共同成為教會的肢體, 獻上神悅納的祭. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝的創造與救贖, 使我們能在祢的愛裡團契.  我們是按照祢的形象所造, 祢本有神的形象, 卻反倒虛己, 道成肉身, 取了奴僕的形象. 然而現今的時代, 卻與祢背道而行, 各人為自己樹立各樣的形象, 追求標新立異.  在教會中也不乏受這様風氣的感染, 使祢聖潔的形象也漸受污染.  有人貪圖虛浮的榮耀, 有人驕傲傲自滿. 主啊!求祢潔淨我們的心, 使我們能追求祢的樣式, 存心謙卑, 成為合乎祢旨意的聖徒, 為祢所用. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Avoid Selfish Ambition – Philippians 2:3 [Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.] [Explanation] Forming factions is an act of the flesh, driven by personal selfishness, while humility is the foundation of unity. The evil of factionalism threatens the survival of the church, and the solution lies in mutual humility and respect. If we always consider our opinions superior, boast about our background, or rely solely on colleagues we personally favor, seeking opportunities that only enhance our own reputation, such vanity not only robs us of chances to grow and learn but also disrupts harmony among coworkers, giving the devil a foothold. Since none of us are as holy and flawless as Jesus, we must humbly recognize the strengths of others. Through love and mutual support, we can collectively become the body of Christ and offer sacrifices pleasing to God. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for creating and redeeming us, allowing us to fellowship in Your love. We are made in Your image, and though You had the nature of God, You humbled Yourself, taking on the form of a servant. Yet today, the world strays from Your example, as people seek to build their own image and pursue individuality. This trend has even infiltrated the church, tarnishing Your holy image. Some seek vain glory, while others grow proud and self-satisfied. Lord, cleanse our hearts so that we may follow Your example, remain humble, and become saints aligned with Your will, ready for Your use. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!