父子俱死—-箴言18:12[敗壞之先, 人心驕傲.  尊榮以前, 必有謙卑.]撒母耳記上31:2, 4[非利士人緊追掃羅和他兒子們, 就殺了掃羅的兒子約拿單…. 掃羅就自己伏在刀上死了.][釋義]掃羅的敗壞與約拿單的尊榮成為鮮明的對比.  約拿單雖然是掃羅的兒子, 但與嫉妒成性邪惡的掃羅顯然不同, 約拿單懂得真正的愛和友情, 不但是一位非常有智慧和勇敢的軍人, 更是一位具有良好信仰品格的義人.  約拿單不離棄邪惡的父親與他共患難, 寧願與父俱死, 令人感佩.  曾子曰”孝有三, 大孝尊親, 其次不辱, 其下能養.”  約拿單何止大孝, 他的孝行, 真可謂驚天地, 泣鬼神. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 求祢憐憫!因我們帶著肉體, 有時被世界的潮流弄瞎了眼, 盲目追求世上屬肉體的私慾與驕傲, 而固執的離開祢, 想要自己選擇人生的道路.  主啊!求祢憐憫與赦免我們的過錯與愚昧, 賞賜我們謙卑的心, 重新俯伏在祢跟前, 使我們得以常在祢的恩典中, 唯有蒙主引導與帶領的人生, 才是最豐盛, 榮神益人的生命.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Father and Son Both Perish – Proverbs 18:12 [Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.] 1 Samuel 31:2, 4 [The Philistines were in hot pursuit of Saul and his sons, and they killed his sons Jonathan… So Saul took his own sword and fell on it.] [Explanation] The downfall of Saul and the honor of Jonathan stand in stark contrast. Although Jonathan was Saul’s son, he was distinctly different from his father, who was consumed by jealousy and wickedness. Jonathan exemplified true love and friendship. He was not only a wise and courageous soldier but also a righteous man of strong faith and character. Despite his father’s evil ways, Jonathan remained loyal and shared in his father’s trials, choosing to die alongside him—a decision that inspires deep admiration. The philosopher Zengzi once said, “Filial piety has three levels: the highest is to honor one’s parents, the next is to bring them no disgrace, and the least is to provide for them.” Jonathan’s filial devotion far exceeded these standards, displaying an awe-inspiring act of loyalty and love. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we ask for Your mercy! As beings of flesh, we are often blinded by the trends of this world, blindly pursuing earthly desires and pride, stubbornly straying from You and choosing our own paths. Lord, we plead for Your forgiveness for our mistakes and foolishness. Grant us humble hearts, so that we may bow down before You once more and remain in Your grace. Only a life guided and led by You is abundant, glorifies God, and benefits others. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen!