住在主裏面—-約翰壹書2:5-6[凡遵守主道的, 愛神的心在他裏面實在是完全的.  從此我們知道我們是在主裏面.  人若說他們住在主裏面, 就該自己照主所行的去行.][釋義]”愛神的心” 原文是”神的愛.”  神的愛本來是完全的, 但在信徒裏面, 依各別的屬靈光景而有不同程度的展現, 隨各人遵守主道的情況, 這愛會逐漸被成全達到極致.  “在主裏面”才會運用神的愛去愛人並愛神, 在主之外則是有條件的”人間情愛.” 我們不應當只滿足於”在主裏面”, 而應進一步追求”住在主裏面.”   “住在主裏面”相當於”與主同行”, 主怎樣行, 我們也當怎樣行.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們感謝祢, 為我們做挽回祭, 賜下愛與真理, 使我們得以行在光明中.  主啊, 祢是看透人內心的主, 請幫助我以心靈誠實和實際行動, 遵守祢的命令, 不是只在表面言語上愛主.  求祢賜給我們屬靈眼光, 和從上頭來的智慧, 明白祢的真理與命令, 定睛我們應該追求的愛, 仁義, 信德.   主啊, 這世界和世間的情慾都要過去, 惟遵行祢旨意的人, 能得到永遠不朽壞的福分.  求祢讓我們倚靠祢, 在恩典中前進, 得著真正的自由與喜樂.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Abide in the Lord – 1 John 2:5-6: [But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.] [Explanation] The phrase “love for God” in the original text refers to “God’s love.” God’s love is inherently perfect, but its manifestation in believers varies depending on their spiritual condition. As one follows the Lord’s teachings, this love becomes more complete, reaching its fullness. “Being in the Lord” enables one to exercise God’s love toward others and God, whereas love outside the Lord is often conditional and human-centered. We should not merely aim to “be in the Lord” but strive to “abide in the Lord.” “Abiding in the Lord” is equivalent to “walking with the Lord.” No matter what the Lord does, so should we. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for being our atoning sacrifice, for giving us love and truth, and for enabling us to walk in the light. Lord, You see into the depths of our hearts. Please help us to obey Your commandments with sincerity and genuine actions, not merely with superficial words. Grant us spiritual insight and wisdom from above, so we may understand Your truth and commands and focus on pursuing love, righteousness, and faith. Lord, this world and its desires will pass away, but those who do Your will shall receive imperishable blessings. Help us rely on You, move forward in grace, and find true freedom and joy. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!