珍惜眼前—-詩篇16:5-6[耶和華是我的產業, 是我杯中的分;我所得的, 祢為我持守.  用繩量給我的地界, 坐落在佳美之處; 我的產業實在美好.][釋義]產業”指財產, 事業, 地業, 基業.  “耶和華是我的產業”是說耶和華是我的神.  ”杯中的分”為主人供應客人所喝的東西.  神給敬畏者是祝福的杯和救恩的杯.  給惡人的為忿怒的杯.  “份”也指神為人所安排的命運. 我們常常只顧追求美好的未來, 卻忽略了近在身邊的幸福; 若能時時感恩, 便將發現, 現在所擁有的每樣事物, 都是最美好的祝福.  [禱告]親愛的天父, 我們感謝祢, 眷顧我們在世上的日子, 在物質上沒有缺乏, 也有倍伴我們的家人和親友.  求祢幫助我們, 能夠滿於我們所擁有的一切, 無論是財物或身邊的人, 我們都要好好珍惜. 視為珍寶, 因為都是祢所賜給我們, 都是美好的, 使我們生活能夠過得幸福快樂.  我們要時時舉起救恩的杯, 稱揚耶和華的名.  我們獻上感恩.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Cherish the Present – Psalm 16:5-6 [Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.] [Explanation:] The term “inheritance” refers to property, work, land, or legacy. “The Lord is my inheritance” means that the Lord is our God. “Portion in my cup” refers to what a host provides for their guest to drink. For those who fear Him, God offers a cup of blessing and salvation; for the wicked, it is a cup of wrath. “Portion” also refers to the destiny that God has planned for each individual. Often, we focus solely on pursuing a brighter future, neglecting the blessings close at hand. If we cultivate a heart of gratitude, we will discover that everything we currently possess is a precious gift and the best blessing. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for watching over our days on this earth, for providing for our material needs, and for surrounding us with family and friends. Help us to cherish all that we have, whether it is our possessions or the people in our lives. Let us regard them as treasures, for they are Your gifts and are truly wonderful, bringing us happiness and fulfillment. May we always lift the cup of salvation and praise Your name, Lord. With hearts full of gratitude, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.