彼此相愛—-約翰壹書4:12[從來沒有人見過神, 我們若彼此相愛, 神就住在我們裏面, 愛祂的心在我們裏面得以完全了.][釋義]神的本質是靈, 是人所不能看見的.  在舊約時代, 人所看見的, 並不是神的本體真相, 而是以人形/神的使者出現.  我們若彼此相愛, 神的屬性就在我們身上彰顯出來, 而被別人看見.  在這種情形下, 神也當然樂於居住在我們裏面, 而不會向我們隱藏祂自己.  神的愛必須被成全, 才能將這愛完整無缺的從人身上彰顯出來, 而信徒彼此相愛, 正是成全神的愛的絕佳徒徑.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們感謝祢, 因祢在十字架上流血捨命, 洗淨我們一切的罪, 使我們得稱為神的兒女, 並給我們永生的盼望.  我們願意竭力追求認識神, 並追求聖靈充滿, 彼此相愛, 彰顯祢的榮耀.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Love One Another – 1 John 4:12 [No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.] [Explanation] God’s essence is spirit, which is invisible to human eyes. In the Old Testament, what people saw were not God’s true essence but representations, such as human forms or appearances of angels. When we love one another, God’s nature is revealed through us and can be seen by others. In this way, God is pleased to dwell in us and will not hide Himself from us. God’s love must be perfected to be fully expressed through people, and believers loving one another is the perfect pathway for completing God’s love. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for shedding Your blood and giving Your life on the cross, cleansing us from all sin, making us children of God, and granting us the hope of eternal life. We desire to pursue the knowledge of God, be filled with the Holy Spirit, love one another, and reflect Your glory. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!