行善屬乎神—-約翰三書11[親愛的兄弟啊, 不要效法惡, 只要效法善.  行善的屬乎神, 行惡的未曾見過神.][䆁義]神是一切善的源頭, 任何慣常行善的人, 乃因神使他如此, 故行善出於神而屬於神.  “見過神”是指認識神.  凡認識神的人, 必然知道神的心意不喜歡人行惡.  慣常行善的人和神的關係良好.  反之, 慣常行惡的人乃是臥在魔鬼的手下.  約翰長老鼓勵信徒行善, 以愛心接待為真理出外作工的客旅.  禁戒信徒行惡, 有權柄者不可在教會中專權.[禱告]親愛的天父, 感謝祢無條件的愛, 揀選我們成為教會的一份子.  教會就是祢的身體, 在主裏面應當彼此相愛, 這是祢賜給我們帶應許的誡命.  主啊!有人行善, 也有人行惡.  求主堅定我的信心. 所言所行以神的話語為標竿. 不以惡行為榜様而迷失自己.  總要效法那愛心的行為來激勵自己, 如此才是真正主的信徒.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Doing Good Belongs to God – John 11 [Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.] [Interpretation] God is the source of all goodness. Anyone who consistently does good is enabled by God and belongs to Him. To “see God” means to know Him. Those who know God understand His will and know that He dislikes evil deeds. Those who consistently do good maintain a strong relationship with God, while those who persist in doing evil lie under the power of the devil. Elder John encourages believers to do good by showing love and hospitality to workers of the truth. He warns against doing evil and cautions leaders against domineering over the church. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your unconditional love, for choosing us to be part of the church, which is Your body. In the Lord, we are called to love one another, as this is the commandment You have given us with a promise. Lord, some do good while others do evil. Strengthen our faith, that our words and actions may be guided by Your Word. Let us not follow the example of evil deeds and lose our way. Instead, inspire us to emulate acts of love to encourage ourselves and others, thus living as a true follower of the Lord. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray, Amen!