造就自己—-猶大書20-21[親愛的弟兄啊, 你們卻要在至聖的真道上造就自己, 在聖靈裏禱告, 保守自己常在神的愛中, 仰望我們主耶稣基督的憐憫, 直到永生.][釋義]”至聖的”指神所分別出來, 不同於一切人間的道理. “真道”指客觀的福音真理, 也就是我們基督徒的共同信仰. “造就自己”按原文是”建造自己”, 意指在正確的信仰根基上, 繼續往上建造, 不容異端邪說把我們的信仰拆毀了. “在聖靈裏禱告”意指禱告要經過聖靈的引導, 光照, 潔淨, 與聖靈合作, 支取聖靈的力量. “直到永生”指仰望主的憐憫直到見祂的面.[禱告]親愛的天父, 因著祢豐盛的慈愛, 使我們得以掙脫罪惡轄制, 進入祢恩典的住所, 享受自由與平安. 我們的心哪, 當時時稱頌謝恩, 不可忘記祢的一切恩惠. 至聖的主啊, 祢是威嚴聖潔, 公義審判的神, 在這充滿罪惡淫亂的世界, 我們常被似是而非, 顛倒黑白的異端邪說影響擾亂, 甚至走迷正道, 再次被罪綑綁, 求主施恩保護守我們度過試探與凶惡. 讓我們紀念祢的信實與憐憫, 因自己的名引導我轉回正路, 我必存敬畏的心向祢的聖殿下拜. 求祢的聖靈安慰鍳察, 讓我能憑著祢的應許, 繼續喜樂盼望前行. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Build Yourself Up – Jude 20-21 [Dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.] [Explanation] “Most holy” refers to God’s sanctified truth, distinct from all human ideologies. “Faith” signifies the objective truth of the Gospel, which forms the common foundation of Christian belief. “Build yourself up” means to continue strengthening your faith on the correct foundation, avoiding the destruction caused by heretical teachings. “Praying in the Holy Spirit” implies prayer guided, illuminated, and purified by the Holy Spirit, relying on His power. “Eternal life” looks forward to meeting Christ, trusting in His mercy. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, through Your abundant love, You have freed us from the bondage of sin and brought us into the dwelling of Your grace, where we enjoy freedom and peace. May our hearts continually bless and give thanks, never forgetting all Your graces. Holy and majestic Lord, You are the righteous judge in this sinful and chaotic world. Often, we are influenced by deceptive doctrines that blur the line between truth and falsehood, leading us astray and entangling us in sin once again. Lord, we ask for Your grace to guard and protect us through trials and evil. Let us remember Your faithfulness and mercy, and for Your name’s sake, lead us back to the right path. I will bow in reverence at Your holy temple. Comfort and examine us with Your Holy Spirit, enabling us to move forward with joy and hope, relying on Your promises. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray, Amen!