在急難中求告神—-詩篇118:5[我在急難中求告耶和華, 他就應允我, 把我安置在寛闊之地.][䆁義]”寛濶之地”指得獲自由, 婉轉表達走出苦難, 身居安穩之處.  終於靠著神走過艱險漫長的苦難之旅.  “急難”是神把我們領往自由釋放的寛廣之地, 與主同在, 不再被環境所攪擾.  因為[主的靈在哪裡, 那裏就得以自由]. [真理必叫你們得以自由].  你是否正在危機困苦當中?往上看吧!-心仰望主, 尋求祂的幫助.  祂是賜智慧和恩典的主,   [禱告]親愛的天父, 祢是至高至大, 無所不能的神.  在祢沒有難成的事, 無論我們處在什麼苦難危機中, 祢都能夠幫助我們.  無論何時何地, 我們向祢呼求, 祢必聽見, 還要幫助我們.  除祢以外, 我們還能依靠誰呢?我們感謝祢, 有祢與我們同在, 我們就有幸福.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Calling on God in Times of Distress – Psalm 118:5 [Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.] [Explanation] The phrase “set me free” refers to gaining freedom and escaping suffering, expressing a transition to a place of stability and peace. With God’s help, we finally make it through the long and treacherous journey of suffering. “Distress” becomes the means through which God leads us to a broad and spacious place of freedom and release, where we are no longer disturbed by our circumstances. As the Scripture says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” And “The truth will set you free.” Are you currently in the midst of crisis or suffering? Look up to God! Fix your heart on Him and seek His help. He is the Lord who gives wisdom and grace. If you are willing to look to Him, He will surely make a way for you. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Almighty, all-powerful God. Nothing is too difficult for You. No matter what suffering or crisis we face, You are able to help us. Wherever we are and whenever we call upon You, You hear us and will come to our aid. Apart from You, who else can we rely on? We thank You for Your presence with us, for with You, we have true happiness. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!