自稱是先知—-啓示錄2:20[然而, 有一件事我要責備你, 就是你容讓那自稱是先知的婦人耶洗別教導我的僕人, 引誘他們行姦淫, 吃祭偶像之物.][釋義]”耶洗別” 是以色列王亞哈的外邦人妻子, 將異教信仰帶給以色列.  她就是那位將麵酵藏在三斗麵使全團都發起來的婦人.  麵酵表徵邪惡的異端邪說, 而教會應是無酵的細麵.  “行姦淫”表徵屬靈的淫亂, 將可憎之物混進神聖的事物中. “吃祭偶像之物”表徵敬拜偶像.  神的子民要一心事主, 不能心懷二意, 如一僕事奉兩主.  凡與世俗為友的, 就與神為敵.  神是仁慈寬容的. 背道犯罪的人, 應速悔改歸正.  [禱告] 親愛的主耶穌, 在世界上生活的我們, 很容易受到環境的影響, 尤其是在我們遇到困境的時候, 壓力迫使我們妥協, 就背離了原則和真理.  主啊!祢知道我們們的心思意念, 也必按我們的行為予以報應.  求主幫助我們, 使我們能夠誠實面對自己的行為, 即使在不知不覺中向環境妥協, 也能勇敢及時悔改, 得祢的保守與憐憫.  願你保守我們, 將起初的愛心, 信心, 持守到底, 靈命不斷成長, 勝過一切的罪惡. 直到祢再臨的日子.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Claiming to Be a Prophet — Revelation 2:20 [Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.] [Interpretation] “Jezebel” refers to the foreign wife of King Ahab of Israel, who introduced pagan worship to Israel. She is symbolically likened to the woman who hid leaven in three measures of flour, causing the entire batch to rise. Leaven represents evil heresies, while the Church is meant to be like unleavened fine flour. “Sexual immorality” signifies spiritual unfaithfulness—mixing detestable things with holy matters. “Eating food sacrificed to idols” symbolizes idol worship. God’s people should serve Him with undivided hearts and not be double-minded, like a servant trying to serve two masters. Friendship with the world makes one an enemy of God. God is merciful and patient. Those who stray and sin should repent and turn back to Him quickly. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, as we live in this world, it is easy for us to be influenced by our surroundings, especially during difficult times when pressure tempts us to compromise and stray from principles and truth. Lord, You know our thoughts and hearts and will judge us according to our deeds. We ask You to help us face our actions honestly. Even if we unknowingly compromise with our circumstances, grant us the courage to repent promptly and receive Your protection and mercy. May You keep us steadfast in our first love and faith, helping us persevere until the end. May our spiritual lives continually grow, triumphing over all sin until the day of Your return. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!