聽聖靈說話—-啓示錄2:7, 29, 3:22[聖靈向眾教會所說的話, 凡有耳的, 就應當聽.][釋義]聖經上白紙黑字的話, 都是主說過的話logos, 是客觀存在的話.  但必須被聖靈感動, 才能成為主觀且正在說的話Rhema, 才能成為我們的供應. 聖經上的話語對任何時代, 任何教會, 任何個人, 都可以適用於我們, 但卻不能一五一十全盤照收, 必須經過聖靈的引領與詮釋, 才能適應於各種不同情況的需要.  我們的耳朵常發癢, 阻塞, 只聽見我們所愛聽的話, 卻聽不見聖靈所說的話, 求聖靈開通我們的耳朵, 使我們能聽見主的聲音. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是生命的泉源, 聖靈的江河從祢湧流, 源源不絕, 供應我們生命的需要.  因神的名, 我們得到聖靈寳貴的啓示, 得著神的帶領與賞𧶽.  願聖靈引領, 開啓我們的耳朵, 聽見神的聲音, 明白神的旨意.  在一切所當行的事上, 與神同行同在.  我們應時時檢視個人的靈修操練生活, 追求真理, 定睛在神.  願我們對神時時火熱, 大發熱心, 顯出神的恩典在我們身上完完全全實現.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Listening to the Holy Spirit – Revelation 2:7, 29; 3:22 [Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.] [Explanation] The words written in the Bible, in black and white, are the spoken words of the Lord (logos), which exist objectively. However, they must be illuminated by the Holy Spirit to become subjective and spoken to us personally (rhema), providing us with spiritual nourishment. The words of the Bible apply universally—to any era, any church, and any individual. However, they should not be taken in their entirety without discernment. Instead, they must be interpreted and applied through the guidance of the Holy Spirit to meet the needs of various circumstances. Often, our ears are itching or blocked, and we only hear what we want to hear, while failing to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to open our ears so we can hear the Lord’s voice. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are the source of life, and the rivers of the Holy Spirit flow from You, ceaselessly providing for our spiritual needs. Through Your name, we receive the precious revelations of the Holy Spirit, along with Your guidance and blessings. May the Holy Spirit lead us and open our ears so we can hear Your voice and understand Your will. In all things, may we walk closely with You and live in Your presence. Help us to constantly examine our personal spiritual practices, pursue the truth, and fix our eyes on You. May we always be fervent in our love for You and zealous for Your work, showing the fullness of Your grace in our lives. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!