傾聽瞭解—-箴言12:19[口吐真言, 永遠堅立;舌說謊言, 只存片時.][釋義]彼此相交, 坦誠的溝通, 需忍耐按住說話的欲望, 專心傾聽, 才能夠瞭解對方, 並給予他心靈最需要的福音.  真智慧是在安慰人與說真話之間保持平𧗽, 醫人的良藥並不是用好話來仰合人, 也不是用謊言來暫時糊弄人.  真誠的話並不會傷人, 真誠才能帶來長久的安慰和造就的功效.  我們生活在一個虛幻的時代, 人本主義教育的結果,  使”真言”逐漸不被社會接納, 甚至被迫當作仇恨言論, 但卻”永遠堅立”, 而所謂政治正確的謊言, 卻”只存片時”, 因為世代一變, 政治正確的標準必然會變.  真理永遠是適時的, 它適用於現在, 也適用於將來, 它與神不變的性情相連, 所以它是不改變的.  自箴言寫成, 已數千年, 至今世人仍不斷的仔細查考每一句話, 是經得起時代考驗的.  因為神就是真理, 所以我們可以倚靠祂的話話作為人生的指路明燈.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 祢是聽禱告的主, 無論何時何地, 我們禱告祢都在, 無論我們說什麼, 祢都聽.  求祢幫助我們, 也能夠做個傾聽的人, 有耐心聽我們周圍的人與我們說話, 能夠瞭解他們的需要, 幫助他們, 也要將大好的福音傳說給他們聽, 讓他們成為有福的人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Listening and Understanding – Proverbs 12:19 [Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.] [Explanation] When engaging with others, honest communication requires patience and self-control. Resisting the urge to speak and instead focusing on listening allows us to truly understand others and offer them the Gospel that their hearts most need. True wisdom lies in balancing comfort and truth-telling. Healing words do not come from flattery or deceit, nor from temporary lies to appease someone. Genuine words, though sometimes challenging, do not harm but instead bring lasting comfort and encouragement. We live in an era of illusions, where humanistic teachings often lead society to reject “truthful words,” even labeling them as hate speech. However, such words “endure forever.” In contrast, politically correct lies last only “a moment,” as political correctness shifts with every generation. Truth is eternal and applicable to the present and the future. It aligns with God’s unchanging character, which makes it steadfast and reliable. Though Proverbs was written thousands of years ago, its words remain relevant and are continually studied, standing the test of time. Because God is truth, we can rely on His words as the guiding light of our lives. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for being the God who listens to our prayers. No matter where or when, You are always present and attentive to our words. Lord, help us to also become good listeners—patient and attentive to those around us, so we may understand their needs, support them, and share the Good News with them. May they become blessed through Your truth. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!