主的再來—-路加福音21:36[你們要時時警醒, 常常祈求, 使你們要逃避這一切要來的事, 得以站立在人子面前.][釋義]”這一切要來的事”是指末日的大災難.  我們對於主的再來, 與其花許多工夫去研究字句的時間, 兆頭, 預言等問題, 倒不如好好注重裏面屬於靈的光景.  屬靈光景正常的人, 基督無論何時再來, 在他都是一樣.  並且早已在屬靈的實際中, 得嘗主再來的真實意義.  撒但常叫我們不覺得有禱告的需要, 或者叫我們只有禱告的形式, 而沒有禱告的心願和負擔, 因此我們必須儆醒禱告.  教會不只是硬體的建築物, 而是由眾弟兄姐妹所組成的屬靈團體, 但我們往往只見有形體的建築, 卻忽略了重建”心靈的殿”.  神的使者手拿量竿, 量度聖殿各處, 無疑是提醒我們, 神也必量度祂的選民. 以聖經上真理的訓誨當作尺, 將我們的信仰與行為量一量, 看看有沒有符合神所指定的規模和法則.  因為時候到了, 審判要從神的家起首, 各人當用神的話語, 時時丈量自己, 作為末日的準備, 我們當儆醒, 自己的心靈是否為神所喜悅的住所.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 萬物的結局近了, 祢是我們的避難所, 是我們的力量, 是我們患難中隨時的幫助.  主啊!雖然現今的世界越發混亂, 求祢為我們再造清潔的心, 使我們裏面有正直的靈, 好叫我們的光能放在燈台上, 不但使神得榮耀, 又能救人利人, 也叫自己能在審判的日子, 站立得住.  願我們能靠主堅固信心, 時時牢記祢的教誨, 𧫴慎行事, 愛惜光陰, 不做愚昧人, 當做智慧人.  倚靠聖靈幫助. 時時用真理丈量自己的言語與行為, 使我們在這彎曲悖謬的世代, 仍能做祢無瑕疵的兒女.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Lord’s Return – Luke 21:36 [Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.] [Interpretation] The phrase “all that is about to happen” refers to the great tribulation of the end times. Instead of spending excessive time studying the timing, signs, or prophecies about the Lord’s return, we should focus on our spiritual condition. For those who maintain a healthy spiritual life, the timing of Christ’s return is inconsequential, as they already experience the true significance of His coming in their daily spiritual reality. Satan often deceives us into feeling no need for prayer or reduces our prayers to mere rituals without genuine desire or burden. Therefore, we must stay alert and prayerful. The church is not merely a physical building but a spiritual fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ. Yet, we often focus on tangible structures and neglect rebuilding the “temple of the heart.” God’s messenger, with a measuring rod in hand to measure the temple, reminds us that God will also evaluate His people. Using the truth of Scripture as a standard, we must measure our faith and actions to see if they align with God’s principles. For judgment begins with the house of God. Each of us should consistently use God’s Word to examine ourselves and prepare for the end times. We must remain vigilant, ensuring our hearts are a pleasing dwelling place for God. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, the end of all things is near. You are our refuge, our strength, and an ever-present help in trouble. Lord, though the world grows increasingly chaotic, create in us a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within us. May our light shine brightly on the lampstand, bringing glory to You, saving and helping others, and enabling us to stand firm on the day of judgment. Help us strengthen our faith, always remember Your teachings, walk wisely, and make the most of every opportunity. Let us not live as fools but as wise followers, relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May we consistently measure our words and actions by the truth, so we can remain Your blameless children in this crooked and depraved generation. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!