使徒行傳20:35b [施比受更為有福.]. 讓自己可愛, 必收獲更多愛. 成功不是擁有多少財富, 而是要問你所愛之人是否同樣愛你. 當我們用同理心來思考, 尊重對方想要什麼, 而不是將自己的價值觀和偏好, 強加給別人. 以尊重人的方式去愛人去鼓勵人, 愛就會充滿力量. 可愛必須從付出開始. 當有人説人不自私, 天誅地滅. 聖經卻説施比受更有福. 當有人說以牙還牙, 以眼還眼. 聖經說要愛你的仇敵, 為逼迫你的人祝福. 以上都是付出愛的樣式, 指出一條幸福美滿和諧人生的道路. 我們應思考如何對身邊的人付出愛, 也許只是說出一句鼓勵尊重的話語, 或是體貼幫助的行動. 你不但能獲得更多愛的回饋, 你也將經歷充滿愛與被愛幸福美滿的人生.
0065 – Acts 20:35b [It is more blessed to give than to receive.]. Make yourself lovely, and you will receive more love. Success is not how much wealth you have, but whether your loved one loves you equally. When we Think with empathy and respect what the other person wants, rather than imposing your own values and preferences on others. Love and encourage people in a respectful way, and love will be powerful. Love must start with giving. When Some people say that people are not selfish, and the world will perish. The Bible says that it is more blessed to give than to receive. When some people say that it is a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. The Bible says to love your enemies and bless those who persecute you. Point out a path to a happy and harmonious life. We should think about how to show love to those around us, maybe just say a word of encouragement and respect, or considerate and helpful actions. Not only will you get more love in return, you will also Experience a happy and fulfilling life full of love and being loved.