踏出最小的一步:雅各書2:14[我的弟兄們, 若有人說自己有信心, 卻沒有行為, 有什麼益處呢?]我們的信心若沒有行為佐證, 於已, 與人都無益. 固然保羅説”人心裏相信, 就可以稱義;口裹承認, 就可以得救, 羅10:10, 但真正使人稍義, 得救的信心, 必定會產生信而順從的行為. 人如果要使我們人生更有意義與目標, 就要留意四個重點. 1. 要思考自我如何成長, 也就是要強化自己哪一個部份. 2. 要暸解自己想要達成目標的原因. 3. 要有具體行動的目標. 先從一個微小的行動開始. 4. 大方接受援助. 當偉大的目標就在前面, 我們不知如何具體達成時, 會感到焦躁不安. 如果一次跨太大步時, 也會使我們變得精疲力盡. 因此可以從踏出我能想到的最小一步開始. 而那一小步, 只要限定比今天所作的事更多一些, 往正確的方向前進, 先踏出第一步, 後續才有可能踏出更大的步伐. 只要我們開始最微小的行動, 我們就能保持有意義的成長. 親愛的朋友, 你對你的人生有設定目標嗎? 聖經有言, 若有人徒有信心, 而沒有行為, 又有何益處呢? 信心若沒有行為, 就是死的. 信心和行為是並行的, 信心應帶出行動. 上帝是全能的神, 上帝能為我們成就一切. 單單相信, 單單計劃是不夠的. 你需要開始有微小的行動, 才能一步一步邁向成功. 開始微小的行動, 跨出第一步時, 上帝必要祝福你信心的行動, 使你從一小步開始, 因著上帝的能力, 你必能實現你為自己設下的目標.
Take the smallest step: James 2:14 [My brethren, what is the profit of someone who says he has faith, but has no works? ] If our faith is not supported by works, it is of no use to anyone. Paul says, “With the heart a man believes, and he is justified, and he confesses with the mouth, and he is saved, Rom. 10:10. Saving faith will inevitably lead to the act of faith and obedience. If people want to make our life more meaningful and purposeful, we must pay attention to four key points. 1. To think about how to grow, which is to strengthen ourselves. 2 . To understand why you want to achieve your goals. 3. Have specific action goals. Start with a small action. 4. Receive assistance generously. Feeling restless. If we take too big a step at a time, we can also become exhausted. So start by taking the smallest step I can think of. And that small step, as long as it is more limited than what you are doing today More, move in the right direction, take the first step first, and then take the bigger step. As long as we start the tiniest action, we can maintain meaningful growth. Dear friend, to you Is there a purpose in life? The Bible says, what is the profit of a man if he has faith and no works? Faith without works is dead. Faith and works go together, and faith should lead to works. God Almighty God, God can do everything for us. Believing alone, planning alone is not enough. You need to start small actions to take one step at a time. To start small actions and take the first step, God will Bless your act of faith so that you start with a small step, and by the power of God you will be able to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.