如何走出困境—-以賽亞書30:15[主耶和華以色列的聖者如此説:你們得救在乎歸回安息.]我們必須積極面對困境, 當我們落入困境的時候, 我們要找到困境的原因與關鍵. 詩篇18:2”耶和華是我的岩石, 我的山寨.” 碰到困境的時候, 最有保障的地方是離神最近的地方. 約翰福音16:33”我將這些事告訴你們, 是要叫你們在我里面有平安.” 這些事是耶穌, 祂要離開門徒, 這些事就是耶穌要走向十字架, 祂即將要捨命, 這些事本身會有平安嗎?這些事, 事實上是讓門徒失去了平安. 今天真正的平安, 不是環境所帶來的平安, 基督徒的平安是在耶穌基督里的平安. 今天我們如果沒有平安, 我們要思想是否活在基督里. 耶穌接著再説了這句話”在世上, 你們有苦難, 但你們可以放心, 我已經勝了世界.” 上帝啊!我願意讓祢作我的保障, 作我的避難所, 求祢救我, 赦免我的罪, 我要在耶穌基督里得享平安.
How to get out of trouble – Isaiah 30:15 [Thus says the Sovereign GOD, Holy One of Israel: In returning and resting you will be saved.] We must face adversity positively, and when we are in trouble, we must find the cause of the trouble And the key. Psalm 18:2 “The Lord is my rock and my fortress.” In times of trouble, the safest place is the place closest to God. John 16:33 “I tell you these things, So that you may have peace in me.” These things are Jesus, He is leaving the disciples, these are Jesus going to the cross, He is about to give his life, are these things in themselves peace? These things actually caused the disciples to lose their peace. The real peace today is not the peace brought about by circumstances. The Christian’s peace is the peace in Jesus Christ. If we have no peace today, we must consider whether we live in Christ. In. Jesus went on to say these words “In the world you have afflictions, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” O God! I want you to be my defense and my refuge, save me, forgive my sins, and find peace in Jesus Christ.