過一個有福的人生—-箴言11:24-25[有人慷慨好施, 反更富有. 有人過度吝嗇, 反更貧窮. 慈善為懷的人, 必得寬袼, 施惠於人的人, 必蒙施惠.]施比受更有福. 路加福音14:13”你擺設筵席, 倒要請那貧窮的, 殘廢的, 瘸腿的, 瞎眼的, 你就有福了.” 詩篇112:9”他施捨錢財, 賙濟貧窮, 他的仁義存到永遠.” 聖經上點點滴滴都表達出一個態度和信念, 就是上帝要我們眷顧貧窮的, 顧念有需要的, 扶持那軟弱的. 當我們這様做的時候, 我們就有福了. 親愛的朋友, 對於在患難中軟弱謙卑, 貧窮, 有需要的人, 上帝的心思是非常敏銳的, 所以我們要有一顆像上帝的心, 體恤貪窮的人. 那麼上帝也會回應祂所説的, 眷顧貧窮的有福了. 上帝必會眷念你所做的, 賜下上帝的恩典, 祝福在你的身上. 今天上帝要來鼓勵你, 當你開始有一個與他人不同的心志, 眷顧他人的需要, 扶持生活中軟弱的, 上帝必要大大賜福你, 使你在面對環境的時候, 有一個正確的態度, 和從天上來的能力, 必能領受上帝美好的祝福.
Live a Blessed Life – Proverbs 11:24-25 [Whoever is generous will become richer. Someone who is too stingy will become poorer. He who is charitable will be lenient, and he who is kind will be generous. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Luke 14:13 “Blessed be the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind when you prepare a feast.” Psalm 112:9 “He Giving money and helping the poor, his righteousness will endure forever.” Every bit in the Bible expresses an attitude and belief that God wants us to care for the poor, care for the needy, and support the weak. When we do, we are blessed. Dear friends, God’s mind is very sensitive to those who are weak and humble in affliction, poor, and needy, so we must have a God-like heart, sympathetic to those who are greedy and needy. . Then God will also answer what He said, Blessed are the poor. God will remember what you have done, and give God’s grace to bless you. God is coming to encourage you today, when you begin to have a relationship with Others have different aspirations, care for the needs of others, and support the weak in life. God will greatly bless you, so that when you face the environment, you have a correct attitude and the ability from heaven, and you will be able to receive the beauty of God. blessing of.