在職塲上勝出, 應有的態度—-羅馬書12:2[不要效法這個世界, 只要心意更新而變化, 叫你們察驗何為神的良善, 純全, 可喜悅的旨意.]很多人上班只是為了混口飯吃.  然後問為什麼我沒有加薪. 沒有升遷.  為什麼看不到上帝的祝福.  一個人成功是他的一個生命態度, 讓他能夠攀上高峰.  上帝喜歡我們有一個卓越的態度.  就是我可以更好, 我可以更進步.  簡單的事重複的做, 你就是行家.  重複的事用心做, 你就是贏家.  每一個基督徒都要有擴張境界的心志.   卓越是指你的工作可以超越一般的標準.  而你也能常常超越自己.  是一種一次比一次變得更好的生命態度.  上帝賜福卓越, 不賜福平庸.  你的態度可以改變, 在每一個領域都有再進步的空間.  不論擔任何職位, 都應該盡心盡力.  你是蒙召卓越超群的人.  你是菁英份子, 你這樣做就是在榮耀神, 讚美神.  你要在職塲上榮耀神, 在你的辦公室讚美神.

Victory in the office, the attitude you should have – Romans 12 : 2 Going to work just to eat. Then asked why I didn’t get a raise. No promotion. Attitude. That is, I can be better, I can make more progress. Do simple things repeatedly, you are an expert. Do repetitive things with heart, and you are a winner. Every Christian must have the ambition to expand. Excellence refers to you Your work can go beyond the norm. And you can often go beyond yourself. It’s an attitude to life that gets better every time. God blesses excellence, not mediocrity. Your attitude can change, in every area There is room for further improvement. No matter what position you hold, you should do your best. You are called to excellence. You are an elite member, and you are glorifying God and praising God in doing so. Praise God in your office.