正確判斷的眼光—-傳道書2:14[智慧人的眼目光明, 愚昧人在黑暗中裡行.]以自己的想法下定論, 常常問題不是出自對方, 而是出在自己. 原來心中有錯誤的信念, 會使我們看出去的以及接收進來的一切都受到錯誤的影響. 聖經中有一個故事説到, 耶穌經過一個地方, 看見一位瞎子. 門徒便問耶穌説”位瞎子生來就瞎了, 是犯了罪呢? 還是他父母犯了罪呢?” 耶穌回答説”不是這人犯了罪, 也不是他父母犯了罪, 乃是為了顯出神的作為.” 於是耶穌就醫治了這位生來就眼瞎的人. 門徒很容易就妄下結論, 認為眼瞎是因為犯了罪. 親愛的弟兄姊, 我們往往會看見一件事情的呈現, 就會下一個判斷. 這是很自然的事. 但這些很可能都不是事實, 而是錯誤的判斷. 而在夫妻關係, 親子關係及職塲關係中更是如此. 我們要學習放下自以為是. 不要隨便下判斷, 不能絕對肯定的事, 就不要輕易下判斷. 今天上帝要來祝福你. 在你所面對的環或關係中, 當你願學習放下自己, 不自以為是的看待身邊的人事物. 有顆柔和謙卑的心, 對待他人時, 必定會看見祝福與突破. 並且經歷上帝為我們所預備的美好人生.
The vision of correct judgment – Ecclesiastes 2:14 [The eyes of the wise are clear, and the foolish walks in darkness.] To draw conclusions based on one’s own thoughts, often the problem does not come from the other party, but from oneself. Wrong beliefs can wrongly influence everything we see and what we receive. There is a story in the Bible that Jesus was passing through a place and saw a blind man. The disciples asked Jesus, “A blind man is born with Blind, did he sin? Or did his parents sin?” Jesus replied, “It wasn’t the man who sinned, nor his parents, but to show the works of God.” So Jesus healed It is easy for the disciples to jump to the conclusion that the blindness is due to sin. Dear brothers and sisters, we often see one thing appearing, and we will make a judgment. It is natural. But these are probably not facts, but wrong judgments. This is especially true in husband-wife relationship, parent-child relationship and professional school relationship . We must learn to let go of our self-righteousness. Don’t make judgments easily. Today, God is coming to bless you. In the circle or relationship you are facing, when you are willing to learn to let go of yourself, look at the people and things around you without self-righteousness. With a meek and humble heart, When we treat others, we will see blessings and breakthroughs. And experience the wonderful life God has in store for us.