面對問題解決問題—-腓立比書3:16保羅説[然而我們到了什麼地步, 就當照著什麼地步行.]1.  學會接受現實.  問題不大, 上帝最大.  只要活著就有希望, 勇敢接受現實.  愈後悔, 愈痛苦.  能伸能屈.  從痛苦中儘快走出來.  撒下12:22. 腓4:12.  2. 找到自己要學習及悔改的部分, 使心靈痛悔, 不要白白受苦.  賽57:15.  詩119:67, 71.  3. 禱告將我所要的告訴神, 告訴神你的願景.  腓4:6.  4.  自己能做的盡量去做好, 盡人的本份.  傳12:13.  羅12:28.  5. 欣然接受一切結果, 最後結果交給上帝.  若死就死, 死豬不怕開水燙.斯4:16.

Facing problems and solving them – Philippians 3:16 Paul said [However, where we have reached, let us walk accordingly.] 1. Learn to accept the reality. The problem is not big, God is the biggest. As long as we live, there is hope. , accept the reality bravely. The more you regret, the more painful you are. Be able to stretch and bend. Get out of the pain as soon as possible. 2 Samuel 12:22. Philippians 4:12. 2. Find the part of yourself that you want to learn and repent of, and make your heart repent, not in vain. Suffer. Isaiah 57:15. Psalm 119:67, 71. 3. Pray and tell God what I want and tell God your vision. Philippians 4:6. 4. Do the best you can and do your best. Ecclesiastes 12:13. Romans 12:28. 5. Accept all results gladly, and leave the final result to God. If you die, die, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Esther 4:16.