神的大能運行在每一個心思意念轉變的當下—-馬太福音13:22[撒在荊棘里的, 就是人聽了道, 後來有世上的思慮, 錢財的迷惑, 把道擠住了, 不能結實.]我們每一天都接觸到世界上各種嘈雜與負面的訊息. 因此我們每一天都要藉著神的話語來調整我們的思維. 當人的思想改變時, 神的大能就開始運行. 我們不是只活在這個世界的現實當中, 而是活在屬靈的真實當中. 我們尊重世俗的現實, 但我們信靠屬靈的真實, 也就是信靠上帝的話語與上帝的應許. 羅馬書12:2[不要效法這個世界, 只要心意更新而變化, 叫你們察驗何為神的善良, 純全, 可喜悅的旨意.]雅各書1:21, 25[所以, 你們要脫去一切污穢和盈餘的邪惡, 存溫柔的心領受那所栽種的道, 就是能救你們靈魂約道…這人既不是聽了就忘, 乃是實在行出來, 就在他所行的事上必然得福.]知道是由外而內, 行道是由內而外. 即所謂知行合一. 提摩太前書4:7-8[只是要棄絕那世俗的言語和老婦荒渺的話, 在敬虔上操綀自己. 操練身體, 益處還少;惟獨敬虔, 凡事都有益處, 因有今生和來生的應許.]所謂來生的應許是指對死後永恆的盼望. 馬太福音8:15[那落在好土裏的, 就是人聽了道, 持守在誠實善良仍心裏, 並且忍耐著結實.]就像每天鍛練身體一樣.
The power of God operates in the moment of every change of heart and mind—Matthew 13:22 , cannot bear fruit.] Every day we are exposed to all kinds of noisy and negative information in the world. Therefore, every day we need to adjust our thinking through the word of God. When people’s thinking changes, the power of God begins Operation. We do not live only in the reality of this world, but in spiritual reality. We respect worldly reality, but we trust in spiritual reality, which is God’s Word and God’s promises. Romans 12:2 [Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may prove what is the good, perfect, and pleasing will of God.] James 1:21, 25 [Therefore, put off All filth and excess of evil, to receive with meekness the planted word, the covenant that can save your souls… This man does not forget what he hears, but he does it, and in what he does he will surely receive Blessed.] Knowing is from the outside to the inside, and doing the way is from the inside out. That is, the so-called unity of knowledge and action. 1 Timothy 4:7-8 [Only reject the worldly words and the fables of the old woman, in Exercise yourself in godliness. The exercise of the body is of little gain; but godliness is profitable in all things, because of the promise of this life and of the life to come.] The promise of the life to come refers to the hope of eternity after death. Matthew 8:15 [Those who fall on good soil are those who hear the word, keep in good faith and still in heart, and endure it.] It is like exercising the body every day.