基督律法—-加拉太書6:2[你們各人的重擔要互相擔當, 如此, 就完全了基督的律法.]所謂基督的律法, 大多數聖經教師認為是指馬可福音12:29-31[耶穌回答説:第一要緊的就是說:以色列啊, 你要聽!主我們神是獨一的主. 你要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力愛主你的神. 其次就是說:要愛人如己. 再沒有比這個兩條誡命命更大的了.]基督律法只有兩條, 第一條是愛主你的神. 這一條是耶穌歸納十誡中的第一, 第二, 及第三誡. 第二條是愛人如己. 第二條歸納十誡中的第四誡至第十誡. 十誡記載於舊約出埃記20:1-17及申命記5:6-21. 十誡是神藉著祂的僕人摩西給以色列人的誡命. 十誡是上帝的律法. 耶穌的律法與上帝律法是一脈相承的. 如果將上帝的律法與基督的律法合為一條, 那就是愛神愛人.為何恩典教派不遺餘力的攻擊律法?恩典派的宗主保羅於羅馬書6:14稱[罪必不能作你們的主, 因你們不在律法之下, 乃在恩典之下.]保羅反對的律法打底是反對哪一種律法. 保羅反對的應該不是舊約的上帝律法, 也不會是新約的基督律法. 保羅反對的可能是613條的猶太律法Mosaic Law. 猶太律法洋洋大觀, 涉及猶太社會的方方面面. 猶太律法是上帝律法的沿伸, 猶太人必須遵守613條誡律, 違反誡律是一種冒犯上帝的罪惡, 必然受到懲罰. 猶太律法是將上帝律法刑罰化. 猶太律法並非一無是處.基督徒不應自高自大, 對猶太律法視為舊約時代的毒瘤, 去之而後快. 這種作風恰好違背了基督律法第二條愛人如己的誡命. 恩典教派用一刀切, 硬生生的將舊約時代視為醜惡的律法時代, 將新約時代視為良善的恩典時代. 這種詮釋不僅違背基督律法的第一條, 也是對上帝律法的大不敬. 讓我們一起深思主耶穌於馬太福音5:17-17對律法與福音的諄諄教誨. [律法的一點一畫也不能廢去, 都要成全.]恩典為了成全律法, 而不是將律法連根拔起.
The law of Christ – Galatians 6:2 [Bear each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.] The so-called law of Christ, most Bible teachers think it refers to the Gospel of Mark 12:29-31 [Jesus answered and said to him: The first thing is to say: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these two.] There are only two laws of Christ. The first is to love the Lord your God. This is the first, second, and third commandments that Jesus summed up in the Ten Commandments. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself. The second sums up the Ten Commandments. The fourth to tenth commandments in the commandments. The Ten Commandments are recorded in Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 in the Old Testament. The Ten Commandments were the commandments given by God to the Israelites through His servant Moses. The Ten Commandments are the law of God. The law of Jesus and the law of God are of the same origin. If the law of God and the law of Christ are combined into one, it means loving God and loving others. Why do the Grace sects spare no effort to attack the law? Law? Paul, the leader of the Grace Church, stated in Romans 6:14, “Sin will have no dominion over you, for you are not under the law but under grace.” What kind of law does Paul oppose? What Paul was objecting to was probably not the law of God in the Old Testament, nor the law of Christ in the New Testament. What Paul was objecting to might be the Mosaic Law of 613 Jewish laws. Jewish laws are vast and involve all aspects of Jewish society. Judaism The law is an extension of God’s law. Jews must abide by 613 commandments. Violation of the commandments is a sin that offends God and must be punished. Jewish law is a punishment of God’s law. Jewish law is not without merit. Christians should not be arrogant and regard the Jewish law as a cancer of the Old Testament era, and then go away quickly. This kind of behavior just violates the second commandment of the law of Christ to love your neighbor as yourself. The grace sect uses a one-size-fits-all, rigid approach. Thinking of the Old Testament era as the ugly age of law and the New Testament era as the good age of grace. This interpretation not only violates the first article of the law of Christ, but is also disrespectful to the law of God. Let us think deeply about it together. The Lord Jesus taught the law and the gospel in Matthew 5:17-17. [Not a jot or a jot of the law shall be abolished, but all must be fulfilled.] Grace is to fulfill the law, not to uproot the law. rise.