正確的時空—傳道書9:11-12[我又轉念, 見日光之下, 快跑的未必能贏, 力戰的未必得勝, 智慧的未必得糧食, 明哲的未必得資財, 靈巧的未必得喜悅. 所臨到眾人的, 是在乎當時的機會.]這段經文強調掌握正確時空/時機的重要.  傳道書9:12[原來人也不知道自己的定期, 魚被惡網圈住, 鳥被網羅捉住, 禍患忽然臨到的時俁, 世人陷在其中, 也是如此.]這段經文顯示人遇到錯誤時空的悲慘後果.  箴言3:11[神造萬物, 各按其時成為美好, 又將永生安置在世人的心裏.]箴言16:9[人心籌算自己的道路, 惟耶和華指引他的腳步.]上述兩段經顯示人應依上帝的旨意, 選擇正確的時空, 從而進入永恆.  如果選擇正確的時間, 正確的地點, 上帝能夠成就美好的事情, 同樣的, 選擇錯誤的時間, 錯誤的地點, 魔鬼會讓悲劇上演.  我們要學習跟隨聖靈趨吉避凶.  當你一心向主, 主耶穌掌管你生命中的一切.  不要勉強, 順應自然.  凡事謝恩, 神都有美好的計劃與安排.  跟隨聖靈的帶領, 選擇正確的時間, 正確的地點, 做正確的事情. 然後抓到合適的機會, 聖靈就會成就美好的事情.  神的安排十分奇妙.  基督徒的生命沒有偶然, 沒有湊巧, 只有上帝奇妙的安排.  你會成為上帝榮耀的見証.  上帝超越時間空間的限制.  神在你心中放下願望, 希望和盼望, 主就在你的內心裏面帶領你. 來到主的面前敬拜, 不要著急.  人生最重要的一件事, 就是來到主的面前領受.  與神建立關係, 與神面對面, 讓神來愛你.  你的心要追隨聖靈的引導, 以賽亞書55:12[你們必歡歡喜喜而出來, 平平安安蒙引導.]

Correct Time and Space—Ecclesiastes 9:11-12 [I then thought, and saw that under the sun, the race is not always won by the swift, nor the victory by the strong, nor bread by the wise, nor wealth by the wise, nor wealth by the skillful. Joy. It comes to all according to the opportunity of the time.] This passage emphasizes the importance of grasping the right time and space/timing. Ecclesiastes 9:12 [For man does not know his own time, for fish are caught in evil nets, and birds are caught in snares. Seize, the time when disaster suddenly comes, and the world is trapped in it, and so it is.] This passage shows the tragic consequences of people encountering the wrong time and place. Proverbs 3:11 [God created everything in its time to become good, and to make it eternal Place it in the hearts of the world.] Proverbs 16:9 [The heart of man plans his own way, but the Lord directs his steps.] The above two passages show that people should choose the right time and space according to God’s will, and thus enter eternity. If the choice is correct If you choose the right time and the right place, God can accomplish wonderful things. In the same way, if you choose the wrong time and the wrong place, the devil will make tragedy happen. We must learn to follow the Holy Spirit to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. When you turn your heart to the Lord, the Lord Jesus Take control of everything in your life. Don’t force it, go with nature. Give thanks in everything, God has wonderful plans and arrangements. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, choose the right time, the right place, and do the right things. Then seize the right opportunities. , the Holy Spirit will accomplish wonderful things. God’s arrangements are wonderful. There are no accidents or coincidences in a Christian’s life, only God’s wonderful arrangements. You will become a witness to the glory of God. God transcends the limitations of time and space. God is in your heart. Let go of your wishes, hopes and expectations, and the Lord will lead you in your heart. Don’t be anxious when you come before the Lord to worship. The most important thing in life is to come before the Lord and receive. Establish a relationship with God, and Come face to face with God and let Him love you. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit with your heart, Isaiah 55:12 [You will come out with joy and in peace and guidance.]