往下札根, 向上結果—-以賽亞書37:31[猶他大家所逃脫餘剩的, 仍要往下紥根, 向上結果.]先知告訴他們不要再逃了, 在本鄉本土紥下根基, 就會向上結果. 對流離失所, 對漂流不定的人, 對人生方向搞不淸楚的人, 說不要害怕, 現在紥下根去, 明年就會有收成. 根是看不見的, 但看不見的決定看得見的. 果子看得見, 很多人只解決果子的問題是不對的. 根解決了, 果子自然解決. 澆水施肥是澆在根的四周. 根不解決, 無法傳福音, 教會也不能成長. 解決生命的問題也要從根開始, 根解決了, 果子就長出來了. 基督徒也是如此, 要生出根來, 在信仰. 在教會, 在肢體, 在職塲, 在家庭中扎根. 在聖潔上, 在慈悲上, 在心胸上, 在眼光上, 在行為上與上帝建立親密的關係,跟隨祂的腳蹤行. 要做神木, 不要只做盆栽. 認同祂, 愛護祂, 祝福祂, 保護祂, 生死與共.
Plant roots downward and bear fruit upward – Isaiah 37:31 [The remnant of the people of Utah who escaped will still plant roots downward and bear fruit upward.] The prophet told them not to run away anymore, but to plant roots in their own country, and then It will bear fruit upward. To those who are displaced, wandering, and unsure about the direction of life, I say don’t be afraid. Plant your roots now and you will have a harvest next year. Roots are invisible, but invisible decisions Visible. The fruit can be seen. It is wrong for many people to only solve the problem of fruit. Once the root is solved, the fruit will be solved naturally. Watering and fertilizing should be watered around the root. If the root is not solved, the gospel cannot be preached, and neither can the church. Growth. Solving life’s problems must also start from the roots. Once the roots are solved, the fruits will grow. The same is true for Christians. They must take root in faith. In the church, in the body, in the workplace, and in the family. In holiness. Establish an intimate relationship with God, in compassion, mind, vision, and behavior, and follow His footsteps. Be a sacred tree, not just a potted plant. Identify with Him, love Him, bless Him, and protect Him. He lives and dies together.