巴錄, 文字傳道者—-耶利米書36:4[巴錄就從耶利米所說的一切話寫在書卷上.]巴錄是先知耶利米的書記, 可以說是一位文字傳道者. 他的名字的意思是”蒙福的.” 也是”可稱頌的. 他一生跟隨耶利米, 無論是深陷苦境或危險中, 巴錄總是在他身邊, 成為他悲傷中的安慰, 失望中的鼓勵, 更重要的將耶和華臨到耶利米的話忠實完整的紀錄下來. 成為一位偉大的文字傳道者. 將福音傳揚至世世代代. 讓我們效法巴錄也能成為一位文字傳道者, 將上帝的話語宏揚全世界, 直至地極. 文字事奉的路, 路漫漫其修遠兮, 吾將上下而求索. 文字的福田致廣大而盡精微. 求主紀念所有的文字傳道者, 永遠靠主得勝, 永不疲憊.
Baruch, the writing preacher – Jeremiah 36:4 [Baruch wrote on the scroll all the words that Jeremiah said.] Baruch was the scribe of the prophet Jeremiah, and could be said to be a Literary preacher. His name means “blessed” and “blessed”. He followed Jeremiah throughout his life. No matter he was in deep trouble or danger, Baruch was always by his side and became his sorrow. comfort, encouragement in disappointment, and more importantly, faithfully and completely record the words of Jehovah when he came to Jeremiah. Become a great word evangelist and spread the gospel to all generations. Let us imitate Baruch and become a As a preacher of words, he spreads God’s words all over the world, even to the ends of the earth. The road to serving words is long and long, and I will search up and down. The blessed field of words is vast and subtle. May the Lord remember all of them. Literary evangelists always rely on the Lord to win and never get tired.