隨遇而安—-腓立比書4:12[我知道怎樣處卑賤, 也知道怎様處豐富, 或飽足, 或飢餓, 或有餘, 或缺乏, 隨事隨在, 我們都得了祕訣.]中國春秋時代晉文公, 本名重耳, 在未登基之前, 曾流亡19年. 有一天來到-戶農家. 因糧食已吃完, 那位農夫滿口答應. 那曉得端出來的卻是一盤泥土. 面對農夫的戲弄, 重耳不禁大怒, 原想一拳打過去.  他的隨從馬上阻止, 對他說”多好啊!這個泥土代表都城.  這正表示你將要稱王了, 是一個吉兆啊!” 重耳一聽之下, 不但平息了怒氣, 還恭敬的將這一堆泥土收好.  不久, 得到秦王的幫助, 才回國成就一番覇業. 孔子曾評價晉文公”譎而不正.” 後世對晉文公多有批判, 是一位以陰謀取勝的君王.  並非隨遇而安的典範.  人生總會遇到一些難堪和委屈的事, 以智慧的心去面對, 尤其是靠著主加給我們的力量, 凡事都能做.  很多事情其實只需轉換一個角度去看, 必有不同的體驗.  試試看看, 用其他的角度看你的問題, 你將從其中得更大的益處.  我們的天父, 我們需要祢在我們的生命中. 無論是順境或逆境, 安逸或受苦, 富裕或卑賤, 只要有祢, 我們就有平安.  求祢指教我們如何處卑賤, 處理豐富的祕訣. 凡事不鑽牛角尖, 用寛容的心看事情的另一面.  我們願意借著禱告凡事告訴祢, 經歷祢的平安, 過一無掛慮的生活.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Be at peace with the circumstances – Philippians 4:12 [I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound, whether to be full or to be hungry, to have plenty or to be in want; in any and all circumstances we have learned the secret.] China In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Wen of Jin, whose real name was Chong’er, had been in exile for 19 years before he ascended the throne. One day he came to a farmer’s house. Because he had finished eating the food, the farmer agreed. But what he brought out was a plate of soil and noodles. Chong’er couldn’t help being furious at the farmer’s teasing, and wanted to punch him. His entourage immediately stopped him and said to him, “How great! This dirt represents the capital. This means that you will be king, which is a good omen!” ” Upon hearing this, Chong’er not only calmed down his anger, but also respectfully collected the pile of soil. Soon, with the help of the King of Qin, he returned to his country and achieved great success. Confucius once commented that Duke Wen of Jin was “treacherous and not upright.” There are many critics of Jin Wengong. He is a king who wins by conspiracy. He is not a model of taking things easy. We will always encounter some embarrassments and grievances in life. We must face them with wisdom, especially with the strength given to us by the Lord. , everything can be done. In fact, many things only need to be viewed from a different angle, and you will have a different experience. Try it and look at your problems from other angles, and you will get greater benefits from it. Our Heavenly Father , we need you in our lives. Whether it is good times or bad times, ease or suffering, wealth or humbleness, as long as you are there, we will have peace. Please teach us how to be humble and deal with the secret of abundance. Don’t be too arrogant in everything. Look at the other side of things with a forgiving heart. We are willing to tell you everything through prayer, experience your peace, and live a life without worries. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!