讀經的好處—提摩太後書3:16-17[聖經都是神所默示的, 於教訓, 督責, 使人歸正, 教導人學義, 都是有益的.  叫屬神的人得以完全, 預備行各樣的善事.] [故事]一位爺爺和孫子在河邊聊天, 孫子問爺爺”您每天都在讀聖經, 您能記住多少?您為什麼還要去讀?” 爺爺說”你去把裝煤炭那髒兮兮的竹籃拿過來, 去河邊打點水上來.” 孫子照著做了, 很明顯竹籃打水一塲空.  爺爺說”你再試試.” 就這樣往返跑了幾次. 水還是沒打上來.  爺爺此時對著無奈的孫子說”孩子呀!你看看這是先前的竹籃嗎?” 孫子可楞住了, 先前髒兮兮的竹籃, 經過幾次打水, 漏水的冲洗後, 已渙然一新.  爺爺說”讀聖經的過程, 就像竹籃打水一樣.  雖然每次水都從縫隙中流失了, 表面上好像什麼都沒獲得, 但那髒兮兮的籃子, 在不知不覺中也乾淨了.  讀聖經的意義也是這樣.” [思考]你讀過的聖經, 雖然不一定都記得, 但還是會進入心靈影響你, 讀多了會改變人的心靈, 性格和容貌.  [禱告]愛我們的天父, 祢給予我們祢所默示的聖經, 讓我們領受祢的教訓和督責, 指示我們走向永生的真道上, 也領受祢寶貴的應許, 使我們得著豐盛的生命和永遠的福樂.  求聖靈帶領我們, 天天讀經和禱告. 讓祢的話語潔淨我們的心思意念和言行, 使我們因信稱義, 活出榮耀祢的生命.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The benefits of reading the Bible—2 Timothy 3:16-17 [All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. For those who are God’s Be perfect and ready to do every good deed.] [Story] A grandfather and his grandson were chatting by the river. The grandson asked his grandpa, “You read the Bible every day. How much can you remember? Why do you still read it?” The grandpa said “Go and get the dirty bamboo basket that holds the coal, and go to the river to fetch some water.” The grandson did so, and it was obvious that the bamboo basket was completely empty. Grandpa said, “Try again.” I ran back and forth like this several times, but the water still didn’t come up. At this time, the grandfather said to the helpless grandson, “My child! Look, is this the bamboo basket from before?” The grandson was stunned. The dirty bamboo basket from before was The basket, after several times of fetching water and cleaning the leaking water, has become like new. Grandpa said, “The process of reading the Bible is like fetching water from the bamboo basket. Although the water leaks out from the gaps every time, it seems that nothing is there on the surface.” You didn’t get it, but the dirty basket was also clean without knowing it. The same is true for the meaning of reading the Bible.” [Thinking] Although you may not always remember the Bible you have read, it will still enter your heart and influence you. , reading too much will change a person’s heart, personality and appearance. [Prayer] Heavenly Father who loves us, you give us your inspired Bible, let us receive your teachings and supervision, and guide us to the true way of eternal life. , and also receive your precious promises, so that we can have abundant life and eternal happiness. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to read the Bible and pray every day. Let your words purify our hearts, thoughts, words and deeds, so that we can be justified by faith. Live a life that glorifies You. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!